The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME III                                                                                                                  March 19, 1981



Beloved cells in my one church: 

In this Year of Unity, when we reap the efforts of the year of sifting and sorting (1980), I would like to review some of the qualities that go into the recipe of UNITY. Of course in the Ascended Master Realm, Unity just IS… a natural state of Reality… of being. Yet our task is to rebuild this same unified consciousness on the Planet. 

It has been obvious to us, from our Ascended Master perspective that this young Body of the Resurrected Christ – the Group Avatar – has recently had some wrenching times. Yet how else will it grow strong? And so I speak of the first quality (ingredient) needed to re-establish Unity – Discerning Intelligence – in this case to see the spiritual growth and strength that comes from difficult experiences. Discerning Intelligence is the quality of looking inside for guidance and from that Point of Light in the universe – that you are – looking out and seeing Truth… objectively… in Peace. 

The second quality was just mentioned. The ability to re-establish Peace in your own personal world, thus allowing Discerning Intelligence. This Peace is found in the Cosmic Flame of the Heart at Shamballa – a Flame that is available to all the cells of the body, yea all the cells on Earth. Yet do not mistake this Peace for a need to be “nice to everyone”. This Peace is the stillness, the tremendous power of Being… at one with the Great, Great Silence. 

And what flows out of this Great, Great Silence is Love, the cohesive, all unifying power of Love, and a third quality in the divine recipe. Yet with discernment having been established, we see that although this love is for all things, it takes various forms, again not to be mistaken for the need to be nice to everyone. At some point Beloved Jesus, in love, threw the money changers out of the Temple. In love, we trust the chelas, from their own point of Peace and with discernment to see what needs to be thrown out of their own lives and out of this growing Body of Christ. This is the ability to recognize God in all things and throw off all else. 

Beloved Kuthumi, while attending a recent Council here at my palace, remarked that it seems a great initiation for someone learning Love, the cosmic quality, that although they can love all things, they cannot be all things to all people – cannot be nice to all people, nor should they try! They should only maintain an oneness with that Cosmic Flow and allow it to take its course. And few there are still who truly want anything to do with a Force that will separate them from their human ego so they could unify with the Creator. Only in death (of the human ego) can there be eternal life (Unity in Christ Consciousness).  

In my discussion so far I have not mentioned Freedom. And yet all I’ve talked about is Freedom. The Seventh Ray is so full of gifts to speed every man, woman and child on the planet – but especially New Age chelas – along this path of renunciation of the human ego to unification with Christ Consciousness; no longer needing long, painful karmic experiences but quickly with the power of transmutation, the Cosmic Violet Fire, a child of the Cosmic River of Love. Use it… Use it… Use it! 

I give this discourse to you as I review the first semester of this Year of Unity. I can see that the chelas had felt the Year of Unity would somehow be only a pleasant year. Alas… there will always be challenges of the human ego to overcome until the Ascension and for the Group Avatar until it has unified the consciousness of the family on man in Christhood. But it can be a year of Peace for chelas individually if you will follow the recipe given. And then the Master Chef for this year, our Beloved Micah, can use each of these peaceful, centered chelas as ingredients to create a splendid, victorious feast of Unity to present to Beloved Lord Gautama at the end of this year. This is already a Reality for that Precious Angel. 

Please remember your source of strength is not how many agree with you on the outer, but rather your strong, clear connection with God on the inner. Our energy, our forcefields of Cosmic Qualities are only a heart’s call away.

I remain your holy brother,

Saint Germain






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