The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

VOLUME IV, Number 28                                                                                                                        July 13, 1982 


Beloved Serapis Bey 

Thank you! Thank you from the deep recesses of My Being for this welcome in your midst! I AM so grateful for the harmony. Will you kindly be seated. 

I presume that you will be happy to know that I AM here – not as a Disciplinarian – I have come to express My deep gratitude to each and every one of you and I know you will be grateful to learn that I have been the guest of the Mighty Victory for several days at His Glorious Temple over the British Isles. This magnificent Being of Light, VICTORY, desires that you ponder the meaning of “Victory” – Victory, we know, is accomplishment, so you can well understand that Glorious One and I are serving closely in restoring this Planet to the Perfection she once knew. You have to have accomplishment in the Light before you can make the final step into the Ascension! FEEL Mighty Victory filling your beings and worlds with the Essence of Victorious Accomplishment and you, each one, as Radiating Centers can send that Victorious Accomplishment all over this sweet Earth. 

I AM pausing so that you may get the true feeling of VICTORY in the LIGHT… And how does one accomplish that Victory in the Light? By entering deep, deep within that Great Silence, remaining there as you travel along the Pathway of Light. Silence in the outer is what I AM referring to. I AM sure you realize that. We are now entering the second cycle of the year. Six months have passed and much accomplishment has been made and as we go before the Karmic Board in this period you can all stand erect, knowing that you have done your best. What more can anyone ask than to do your best? Each individual on this Planet has a mission to fulfill – a thread to weave in the great Tapestry of Creation. The pattern is becoming more beautiful daily and once in a while do we find, shall I say, a knot in the thread of Light. Just be still and know that I AM GOD and that the human just reared its ugly head. Be of good cheer each dear blessed heart for we are drawing closer… closer daily to manifesting the Perfection ordained for this Golden Age of our Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain. While He will not speak to you this evening, He is here in His Luminous Presence, blessing you each and every one for using the Fire of Transmutation, having faith in that Divine Alchemy.

You know how often He has said, “You are My friends” – one of the most beautiful words that man can hold within his heart, in his consciousness, -- a friend. And you are proving to Him that you are friends, not only of the single individual being, Saint Germain, but of all Life. And every time you give your fellow traveler a helping hand through your advice, your radiation, on just being in close proximity, the friendship of the Gods does widen. Every time one helps a friend they assist the Ascended Master, Our Glorious Friend, Saint Germain … FEEL His Love in the form of the Violet Flame coursing through every cell and atom of your being, washing away, transmuting all that is not of the Light. And as that transmutation takes place the Light flowing through your being can take on any color, any activity that you desire to use, to bless any other part of Life. We have said many times we are the Family of Man, one great glorious family of The Almighty… The Glorious Supreme Source of all Life. Light Descend, and truly it has this evening through your powerful call. And when Love descends the radiation which goes forth brings Peace … and Peace…the soul requirement of every particle of Life… Peace in all the Kingdoms. And man, in his so-called higher intelligence, knows that Peace is so necessary to Victorious Accomplishment in The Light. 

Now I ask you to enter so deeply into the Tabernacle of your being and feel that we are engaged in a service that will bless all Life. In the Cathedral of your own being – hear the glorious tones of the Angelic Choir – hear them – I AM sure most of you will. As each winged tone goes out into the atmosphere it will join with others of a similar vibration. This night the planet Earth is being enfolded in the Sacred Tone which comes from Love Divine – that glorious Sacred Unction, which all must enjoy. Love thy brother as thyself. Love thy brother as thyself, and I, of course, refer to the true Self – the Divine Reality. Do not permit yourself at any time to let your consciousness separate the word “Love”, because Love is all inclusive, and he who would move forward in the Light MUST love his brother, as himself. Therein we will find what true Unity means. Unity – Unity – all united in one purpose.

That Divine thread in your tapestry will be woven through Unity of the feeling of Love Divine. And ere long this Planet will shine in all her brilliance, all the beauty of Perfection which is ordained for her – one tiny little orb in this Great Universe – the once flickering little candle is now rising, taking on greater proportions, the result of the Light coming forth from dedicated chelas all over this Planet – in no matter what avenue they choose to serve, according to the vibration to which they are akin. So know that I AM with you. I AM with you always. Not I, Serapis Bey, as you presently know me, but I AM – the Supreme Source of all Life. Dip into the reservoir of that all-pervading Love. Fill the Chalice of your consciousness and take that Sacred Essence to your fellow traveler. Children, children of the Light, you do not realize what you mean in the great evolution of this Planet. You have trod this Earth through the centuries and now, at last, you are ready for your final examination and I, with all the FEELING of My Being, will assist you. Think of Me often. Think of that Mighty Victory and know that We serve hand in hand, heart in heart, blending as One Light to see you safely Home. With outstretched hand We beckon to you and say, “Oh, come into Me often”. And you will notice I use the singular “Me”, for “I AM” is ONE – ALL ONE. You are one great reservoir of Light, having the privilege of serving with Us, Who are just a slightly higher rate of vibration. Please, Oh, I beg you, accept My Love – FEEL IT! And I raise My hand and I call forth the Blessing from the Mighty Alpha and Omega… Smile, Oh, Mighty Ones, upon these blessed children who are making progress in the Light. Good Night!

Serapis Bey 






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