The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME IV, Number 26                                                                                                                         June 29, 1982 


Children of the Light walking this planet Earth in dedicated service, I salute your Light. 

I ask you to enter deep within the Flaming Presence in your heart… and all during this class remove your consciousness from the atomic structure and feel yourselves beings of Light, which you truly are… Feel it! Feel one great blazing fount of Light in this holy Sanctuary. I have this day sent into your midst one of the Angels of my Legions to assist each of you in your Cosmic service and activities in which you shall engage this day. 

Two thousand years have passed and at no time since that first Whitsuntide has there been a celebration of this magnitude. Truly this is the White Sunday. Fire Beings thou are of pure electronic substance. Feel the Reality. Now, as you have raised your consciousness above the human, permit my Legions of Angels to take you to the feet of Lord Gautama. Experience the blessing of the Lord of the World… 

Now we turn our attention to the Beloved Sanat Kumara, the Cosmic Christ, and feel the glorious blessing of all of the Angels and Beings from Venus who are here this day… Now to our Beloved Illumined One, the Buddha… Feel the great and glorious essence of his Being and of all those who serve with him, anoint you. 

Now with the sacred Essence of the Holy Triumvirate who has blessed you we shall journey higher in the ethers to the Temple which I have the privilege of calling my own. The Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit; and I send my deep gratitude to the Infinite One who has permitted me to have this Focus for this Sacred Isle… truly I bow in humility for the honor of having the Office of Cosmic Holy Spirit. Remember always that you are ‘holy spirits’ and I have brought you to my Temple today because you will be given a Sacred Anointing. This Holy Anointing shall be a Consecration for you who are using, at this hour, the Breath of the Holy Spirit, which my beloved son Paul, the Maha Chohan, channels to this planet Earth and all her evolutions. 

You are privileged to be in my sacred throne room and I shall now give you a special Communion, the Communion of unity with the Breath. The Holy Breath which animated your being… our beloved Paul is going to stand in front of each of you and as he does, he signals the angel who has brought you here to place a Mantle of White Light about your shoulders. This Mantle of Light has a Cosmic Dove, my personal gift to you, emblazoned over your shoulders and radiating from this Mantle at all times that you choose to don it, is the pink radiation of Love Divine. Oh Love, thou great Heart of the Almighty, anoint each of these children with that sacred essence. Feel my dear ones this Mantle about your shoulders. Can you now feel that glorious Light enfolding you! I know you can but I wish to impress upon your consciousness the sacredness of this encompassing Essence. It shall become your protection throughout your journey on this planet Earth.  Because where Love is; there I AM. And I am just one being in this great Universe having a glorious assignment which through the Wings of Love will carry you homeward. 

Many of you are, and I trust all will be true representatives of the Holy Spirit to all life everywhere. As I make this statement I include all the chelas tuning in to this Service at Shamballa. No matter where their physical vehicles may be on this Planet. 

I pause now so that this Anointing may infiltrate all your vehicles… we will now take our consciousness under the guidance of my Angels and return you to the sanctuary. Blessed ones you can transform your four lower vehicles into perfection if you decide to wear the Mantle of Pure Divine Love at all times. How many times over and over have we repeated ‘God is Love… Love is God.’ 

My children, I must turn your attention to the glorious activities which are taking place this day all over your planet. The might One, the Hierarch of the Roman Catholic Church is doing much to raise this Planet to a higher vibration and he truly is the Heart of Love. He is a great Being, who came from on high to wear a flesh garment and guide the flock of the Roman Catholic Church and through his radiation and the example which he provides many will come into the fold of the Holy Spirit. 

In the churches all over the world this day the mighty paeans of praise, the beautiful music and songs are filling this Universe with the Radiation of Love Divine, I know you feel it as do I and I am so grateful that I have, speaking planetary wise, a handful of chelas who chose at this important hour to follow the instructions which come from the Spiritual Hierarchy here at Shamballa, and through your example you can bless all paths leading home… all who think they are right in their hearts, most are, because of following a pattern of which they vibrate. Never think that you are higher than any other, for humility and dignity are the attributes of the Holy Spirit. 

Shamballa and all this Holy Island are filled with Legions of the Angelic Host from many Planets within this system, and as was said earlier in the Invocation, the Cosmic Highways, are indeed open… I would be unable to put into worded description the beauty, the exquisite perfection which is filling the Heavens and sending that glorious anointing to all life on this dear sweet Earth… who is now making great progress in the Light preparatory to the day when she can move into her assigned orbit of Uranus. 

Feel the Blessings of all from Venus, from Uranus, from Mars, and from Mercury, energizing, energizing, energizing the Cosmic cable which will, with your assistance, enable us to make the net Inbreath ere long. You can assist and forward this movement by your Radiation as Beings of Love Divine arming this planet Earth with dignity and humility as aforesaid. 

I now raise my hand as a Blessing from the mighty Alpha and Omega pours through my Being unto you… and to all life on this Planet.

Thank you for your kind attention and love.