The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME IV, Number 13                                                                                                                           March 30, 1982


Beloved Paul - the Maha Chohan 

To you who are so sincerely endeavoring to attain and sustain Christ Consciousness, I present the following: 

An individual’s consciousness which he has evolved through centuries may not be intruded upon even by the Ascended Host without invitation, and that is why the tremendous illumination of the Hierarchy has not flowed freely into the benighted minds of the people of Earth up to the present hour. Mankind has struggled century after century with externals, passing through wars and plagues, through civilizations of culture and barbarism, and have continued to battle externals with externals, giving no thought to the Realm of Consciousness which was under the specific direction of each lifestream as a contributing factor to the mass consciousness that governed and precipitated both the civilization of Light and the dark ages. 

We are at a time in the Earth’s evolution when man must be educated and awakened to the understanding that within the unknown field of consciousness lies the core of all his wrong doing, and the key to all his hoped for happiness, security, well-being and illumination. As we are entering the Permanent Golden Age, chelas must be among the first to recognize the power that is within consciousness and the ability of any one lifestream, no matter what its present estate, to completely reorganize and reorient the lifestreams individual world and manifestation through the changed and sustained consciousness that can be cultivated and drawn from the ever present Good. 

The individual, who of his own freewill chooses to merge his consciousness with the Ascended Master (The Christ) Consciousness has limitless, unbelievable possibilities for being a way-shower to the masses, but it must be more than a mental conviction. The actual consciousness of the lifestream is a feeling entity which must enter into the Christ Consciousness, invoking the Ascended Masters Light upon his manner of speaking, thinking, reacting and feeling. Such a one would come into a unity which would have to be sustained, mind you, by the individual effort of the aspirant, and then from that Consciousness would be precipitated forth into the external world, the beauty and perfection which is within the currents to be released for the Golden Age. 

To maintain the Christ Consciousness requires great wisdom, and in deep Love I counsel you to not to be verbal in your attainment. Let the Radiation of your Being reflect that which is your attained estate. 

At any time you choose to turn your attention to the Radiation of the Holy Spirit, be assured that I will be grateful to assist you in your forward progress in the Light.

The Maha Chohan,

Representative of the Holy Spirit