The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME V, Number 15                                                                                                                   April 12, 1983


 Beloved Paul – The Maha Chohan 

Let us consider the ever present energy which pervades all life…and how in the Cosmic Consciousness the glorious quality of Truth expresses in its manifold aspects… 

Realize then as it travels to the level of the consciousness of man… our realization and understanding of Truth must of necessity interpenetrate and become one with the chela’s concepts and beliefs in order that there will be no deviation from that Reality… its full acceptance depends upon the Purity of the recipient. 

The Truth of Life is Eternal and is much greater in power and intensity than human beliefs, so by a gradual process of transmutation you will come to an understanding and a blending with the Cosmic Consciousness which is the predestination of every lifestream upon this planet. 

Proceed in your concerted efforts to raise the vibratory action of your vehicles and know that whosoever seeks does find, and to him who knocks at the door of Truth shall it be opened to him. This is an Eternal Verity, because the energy of the lifestream pressing toward understanding and godliness is like the electric beam that opens the door to your shopping centers, and the very pressure of that beam of your attention pierces into the Realm of Truth and must bring an answer which contains Truth. 

I counsel you to turn your attention to the beautiful Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, or to any Ascended or Cosmic Being, for every aspect of Divinity which proceeds from our level of Consciousness is an expression of Truth. 

The Maha Chohan





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