The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME V, Number 26                                                                                                                                                June 28, 1983 



Lady Astrea 

Prepare well in an expectant holy manner for the tremendous Summer Conference which is about to take place at Shamballa.  

At this time the cornerstone will be laid for the highest Spiritual activity this planet has ever known - the expression for which the mighty Sanat Kumara came to Earth to establish… he having evolved to such a height on other Stars that he could see the Blueprint of this small Orb which was worthy to continue its existence to round out the plan of its purpose in this Universe. You now realize that the Earth is an infinitesimal component, but is destined to fulfill its service in the great Cosmic Design… the perfection of which cannot be conceived by the consciousness of man.  

You have traveled many roads on your journey to the Homeland. Arduous they may have been, but the all-encompassing Love and understanding of the meaning of “I AM” is at long last beginning to infiltrate your being. Speaking from the Realms in which I abide, “I AM” grateful to see a noteworthy improvement in your feeling worlds and acceptance. It is as though the dawn of a New Day were at hand… and that is exactly what is taking place. You are shedding the cloak of human consciousness… and beginning to experience the feeling of functioning from “I AM”. Consider the feeling of a man lost in a forest at night, wandering here and there endeavoring to find a path to safety. After much turmoil in his consciousness, the light of morning breaks and there is a ray of hope, a feeling of being able to reach a destination where he could continue his journey in a safe manner. 

Oh children, through the centuries, you have been walking the Earth wondering where you were going. Sometimes the road has been one of relative safety and then you thought you would like to see what was on the other side of the road. Sometimes you found what you believed to be happiness. Then delusion entered your feeling world… then a period of happiness… on and on, lifetime after lifetime. This is the experience man goes through on his countless journeys… but during those periods between embodiments he realizes his errors and filled with the hope of accomplishment he comes to Earth again. Then donning the garment of flesh he eventually comes to the state of consciousness that actually the world, as he has seen it, is an illusion. You have now so raised your consciousness and are eagerly walking the Path of Truth and experiencing “I AM”. 

When the shaft of Light traveled to my Being I thought, I shall give the chelas a feeling of comfort, of caressing love, to raise their feelings to a point of accepting that all of their brothers and sisters in the Heavenly Realms are placing their trust in them. We are walking by your side and you shall experience great enlightenment and happiness as a result of the Conference at hand. 

I counsel you to prayerfully attune all the instruments of your beings to a pitch of perfect harmony… and you shall reap the bounty of the spiritual fruit we are preparing for you. 

Your Sister, Lady Astrea