The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME V, Number 48                                                                                                                          November 29, 1983  


The Maha Chohan 

Every lifestream is a channel for a constant bombardment of electrons directed from the Great Central Sun, held in a focus by an outer identity and continually affecting the sum total of universal energies that sweep like tides back and forth in and around the atmosphere of the planet Earth. As the great rivers continue to carry their waters to the Sea, so does mankind continue to carry their energies into the Great Sea of Universal Substance which forms the atmosphere of Earth up to the Etheric Belt provided by the Universal Law of Mercy, which cuts off the pollution of the rest of the Universe by confining these energies within the localized sphere of expression within the planet to which they belong. 

Through birth and so-called death certain channels of force are continually entering into the Third Dimensional Plane with new offerings which they pour into the Sea of Universal Substance, and certain other channels are withdrawn, shutting off their flow. The Great Lords of Karma and the Gods of Creation regulate to the minutest detail the proper number of lifestreams representing the forces for Good to hold the balance in the lower atmosphere of Earth, and to replace great lifestreams whose span is spent. Thus the Universal atmosphere of Earth surrounding the planet in which the peoples of Earth live, move and have their being is the effluvia of thought and feelings of the races incarnate upon it at any given period, and the opportunity for progress and spiritual unfoldment is dependent upon the amount of Pure Energy poured into this atmosphere through unascended beings. 

At the time when great men and women are incarnated in large numbers, it is easier for any spiritually minded person to advance because there is more natural assistance in the invisible current represented by the aspirations, prayers, devotions and exhalations of such spiritually developed lifestreams… which exhilarates any spiritual effort on the part of the aspiring one. On the other side of the picture when great numbers of ignorant, uncontrolled lifestreams are in preponderance upon the Earth, the souls of the spiritually inclined find it much more difficult to progress. 

You will see, therefore, that it is necessary that the service of the members of the Group Avatar should be that of creating a center of strong thought and feeling of a Godly Nature to illumine the lower atmosphere of the Earth according to the intensity of each member… Your service is not localized to your individual locality, because the atmosphere of Earth swinging around the entire Globe is highly sensitized and at One, and the more lifestreams who can feed their energies into the constructive cause, the lighter is the Earth’s atmosphere for those who may never contact you or know of your personal presence… but through holding the Consciousness of “I AM” you can feed the peoples through your knowledge of the Oneness of Life. Know that your Cosmic Service covers the entire orbit of force in which the Earth moves and all her people live. 

Paul – The Maha Chohan