The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME V, Number 36                                                                                                                September 2, 1983 


God Principa 

I affirm the oft repeated statement “Order is Heaven’s First Law!” 

Since I have the privilege of serving in the establishment of Divine Order for this Earth and all her evolutions… hear me well. Disorder is a negative force which has been, and is continuing to use the chaos in man’s world to animate and keep alive conditions which are out of line… an individual who allows any vibration with the prefix “dis” has much clearing up to accomplish before his world can be in Divine Order. Let us state a few instances… disorder, distress, disturbance, on and on, carry a corrupt vibration which impedes the individual’s progress in whatever the field of his choice. 

The chelas are aware of the Law of Divine Order and many use this vibration to resolve many inharmonious conditions. For instance, there are many who turn their attention to the Law of Divine Order spasmodically, and then usually a considerable period elapses before they repeat that action or invocation. Emphatically it is essential they daily release this gift of the Essence of Light in the process of Restoration of this planet! Order must prevail at all times so we may fulfill the Plan for this Globe! 

Make a silent resolution, in obeisance to the Presence of God “I AM” to put your own worlds into Divine Order, so that unction pulsating from your beings at all times will accelerate the manifestation of Divine Order. You will then notice a change in your own vehicles… for when releasing Divine Order it is elementary to state you will be functioning from “I AM”… any deviation from that would be stepping out of the circumference of the Harmony of Being. 

Perhaps this may seem a tremendous assignment for you… IT IS! The sooner you acknowledge and accept that God’s Universe “I AM” is rhythmic… pulsating in systematic fashion, the sooner will the expression of Harmony flow from your Being. It is essential that the chelas of the Group Avatar be aware and accepts the responsibility of bringing the planet to her ordained Perfection. This can be accomplished in multiple ways… set your own house in order and function from the center of your Being through the many methods of transmutation with which you are compatible… silent methods of meditation where you ALLOW your own True Identity to bless all life… say a prayer, an affirmation, with which you have affinity. These suggestions are but a few drops in the great Sea of Infinity. Let us take the Truth, “Like attracts Like;” “Thoughts are things”… are fine Rays of Light which can and will with repeated action, return this Earth to Perfection. Truth cannot exist in a hovel where iniquity dwells. When your consciousness is orderly – not cluttered with imperfect thoughts – we know that Divine Order is present. Immunize yourself against infectious negativity. 

I counsel you to expand the reservoir of Divine Order of your Being so that all life may be nourished by the constantly flowing Light. In outer world parlance, every thief gets caught at some time in his sojourns on Earth. Do not become engaged in any activity which is of a negative nature… do not let the thief of inharmony steal the God-given energy which is abundantly present… Be in a harmonious state of consciousness at all times. 

Surely no advanced chela would be found guilty of misusing the gifts of the Supreme Source “I AM” – rather the dedicated chela will fill his Being with the Essence of Harmony… lovingly serving the One Source “I AM” in deep gratitude for the gifts bestowed on him so freely and lovingly! 








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