The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME VI, Number 4                                                                                                  January 24, 1984


The Elohim Orion 

One has often heard someone make the statement ‘THINK PINK’. 

For your lesson today I recommend the employment of the meaning within these words.  When one clothes his thoughts and feelings in a garment of Pink, he is using the Power of Divine Love. 

Love does heal whether that radiation is in a worded message or using that essence when going about one’s daily routine. 

If you would dedicate even a week to using the activity of Love Divine, any service in which you were engaged would be easier of accomplishment… be it for an individual, a group, or the planet at large.  This would also energize the THOUGHT FORM FOR THE YEAR. 

As you read this simple message feel every word penetrating your vehicles with the essence of PURE DIVINE LOVE for as I conclude I counsel you to THINK PINK!!!
