The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 7, Number 35                                                                                                                August 25, 1985


Kenich Ahan 

I bring you greetings and blessings from the Brotherhood of Uxmal.

With the Light of God Illumination going through your vehicles it will be an example to all peoples who come within your radiation to carry the feeling of Pure Divine Love. We know that “I AM” is Love, and Love in its highest form is GOD IN ACTION - ever active, everywhere. Your true purpose will be fulfilled when you anoint your fellow traveler with the Blessing of “I AM”. 

Keep in the forefront of your consciousness the simple words “LO I AM THAT I AM” in a beautiful pink glow visible to the eyes of those who can see. We have repeated and repeated - “GOD IS LOVE”. Now is the time to prove it, dear chelas. Truly BE “GOD IN ACTION”, wearing a garment that is a comforting presence to all life, and truly you can feel “I AM” the PRESENCE OF GOD IN ACTION – not mentally but with your feeling world, sending a Sacred Blessing to all life. My message is simple, but it carries the TRUTH that “I AM THAT I AM”, and surely in the progressing weeks, months and years ahead, you will fulfill the plan for which you came to earth – to be GOD IN ACTION AT ALL TIMES.  

Now, Blessing you with all the foci of God Illumination on this planet, from the mighty Helios and Vesta, all the Sun Gods of this system of worlds, and the Eternal Light of “I AM THAT I AM”, I thank you.

Kenich Ahan