The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 7, Number 25                                                                                                                         June 18, 1985 


Vesta, Goddess of the Sun

The twelve Qualities and Virtues around the Great Central Sun are a perfect example of the Blessings of the Universal “I AM” PRESENCE.


These Gifts flow at all times for the benefaction of the people of this Planet. However, they are energized at certain times by the attention of those who are privileged to use this Earth as their Planetary home.


When one’s attention is upon Divine Love or any God Quality the Earth’s inhabitants are thereby further blessed.


A repetitious example… but until one puts this Truth into action, he neither knows nor experiences it!


Come into the embrace of my Being and expand the Light of this Planet by our cooperative efforts.


Lady Vesta









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