The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 7, Number 38                                                                                                          September 17, 1985 


Lady Vesta 

You who live in love and unity, where the elements serve as ONE to enrich the evolution of all life, those of you who are sufficiently centered to understand the glorious function of the components of all life, to you, and to all life, I speak. 

Bask in the radiance of the Sun, and feel its light coursing through your beings. As the clear air bathes you – feel the spirit of life purify your lungs. Know that on the outbreath the pores of your flesh are avenues for the escape of impurity, which travels into the atmosphere, to be transmuted by the power of the Sun. The breath of life may serve as a balancing process that is required to liberate the Family of Man. Be ever mindful of the sacredness of the Holy Breath, with which you can cleanse your own being, and qualify that breath with a blessing to all life, everywhere. 

When man can experience compassionate love and dwell in the consciousness of Boundless Splendor as known in the early ages before the fall of man, then the debt that each one owes to his fellow traveler will be balanced, and the Golden Age will manifest. Learn to use the balancing breath in your daily activities and be active as co-servers with us. 

Those of you who are aware of this progress already infiltrate your beings with the beauty and the perfection, and for others it awaits their acceptance. 

I serve as One, Lady Vesta, who breathed you forth as a Flaming Presence of Obedient Love. 

Lady Vesta








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