The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 8, Number 31                                                                                                      August 5, 1986  

Assimilation Class

August 3, 1986

El Morya:

Good Morning and welcome into the full radiation and gathered momentum of all the Temples of God’s Holy Will flooding the Earth at this hour with their Radiation. 

Through the ages the Lord’s Prayer has gathered a tremendous momentum and I advise you, dear ones, to tune into that radiation. Feel it… feel the radiation of the Lord’s Prayer. “Our Father which are in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”. 

I ask your assistance as you daily say the prayer, “Our Father which art in Heaven”.  Feel it within your Beings and know that you go forth each day, each hour, spreading the Light of God’s Holy Will to all life everywhere. And give drink to the thirsty. Say the “Our Father” from deep within your being, your Holy Grail. “Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”. 

That Will shall manifest! I so decree it! But the momentum that has been gathered must be amplified, amplified and amplified until that Holy Will does manifest. And it shall. As you enter deep within the Flame in your heart and be that Flame, knowing that it is God in action, listen carefully to the words, “Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”. Thy Will… the Will of the Almighty, the Supreme Source of all life. “Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”. And from the TRUE center of your Being, in that Holy Grail, the Cup of your Consciousness, feel the Light flow forth, feel the blessing embrace all life on this planet until the Earth is completely enfolded, at all times, in the Light of God’s Holy Will. Does that not make you feel comfortable? I AM sure it does. 

Oh, we all change our pattern from time to time and that is alright, because it would be very monotonous as it were, if we kept saying all the time “I AM the Will of God”. Well, it would be alright but I don’t think many of you could sustain your life doing that because you still wear human bodies, bodies of flesh. They are being purified daily, you are making great strides in the purification of your vehicles and you are to be commended. 

So I leave you today and I impress upon your consciousness that the words of “Our Father” were given forth in the beginning, IN LOVE, and they shall remain for all eternity, “Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”. Then we shall have the planet of perfection that our dear Saint Germain is looking for and anticipates. And he shall receive that assistance from his dedicated friends of Light. I’m sure I can count on you. God’s Love enfolds you, each one. 

“I AM” the Will of God in action at all times! You can be sure of that. 

God bless you.

El Morya






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