The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members

 VOLUME 8, Number 27                                                                                                                           July 8, 1986


July 6, 1986


God Principa 

Greetings, my beloved friends of the Light serving on the planet Earth. 

You may wonder why a Being dedicated specifically to the First Ray came today. I have come in Great Love to give you just a few words of counsel. We are now entering the second half of the year nineteen hundred and eighty-six. You know that this year is dedicated to Unity and I ask you to remember that fact and take full account of what you have done the previous six months to bring forth the Will of God upon this dear planet. I AM just reminding you because the human consciousness sometimes interrupts and you go your merry way. Whatever is constructive, we know is God’s Holy Will, and through the Holy Will of God we do find that the Love Aspect is present. As has been said repeatedly, time and time and time again, “Love Is All There Is”. 

As we are preparing this day to enter the retreat in consciousness of the Holy Cities of St. John, remember, John, the Beloved is full of Love for all mankind, for all life everywhere. And some of you may be going in physical form to the conference which is taking place shortly. Remember, you particularly who come from this focus, at Shamballa, are supposed to be representative of the Will of God in all its aspects. Please know that everyone in Heaven’s Realm is with you and particularly, I MUST emphasize the First Ray today. Those who remain here at Shamballa or anyplace on the planet Earth will receive the same blessings as those who attend. It is just according to the acceptance in your consciousness. 

Remember that we are very happy with your progress thus far, but, a good salesman knows that he is always expected to do more and more and more to sell his goods. Is that not true? Certainly! You are our representatives, our salesmen on this planet Earth. And we know that you will put forth your best effort wherever you are, to put forth the Will of God and to put forth the Unity which is required to outpicture the Thought Form and Theme of this year. 

Please, dear hearts, accept our Love. The Love of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, Those you know and those of whom you are not aware but all in a higher consciousness in Heaven’s Realms are with you, are willing to assist you and you have but to turn your attention to receive that blessing. And according to your desire shall it be given unto you. 

So saying I give you the blessing of Divine Order which shall manifest through you. So Be It. Thank you. 

The God of Divine Order








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