The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 8, Number 25                                                                                                                                 June 24, 1986 


El Morya: 


Every action produces a sound – a tone. A breeze flowing gently through the trees is like a caress. The roaring waters of the ocean give forth a tumultuous sound. Man, in his daily activities, emits a pleasing melody of harmonious accord only when his garments are in balance. This energy contributes to the whole, and can still a riot. 

Remember, your every thought should enrich life – producing a harmonious sound. An individual with a harmonious radiation can bring harmony where conflict was evident. Emulate those whose radiation brings Peace, Love and Comfort by their very Presence. As individuals, or in concerto, send forth a loving radiation and you will feel the expanded essence, ephemeral though it may be, express as does the music of an orchestra in the blending tones when they follow the plan presented to them by the conductor. 

The Music of the Spheres can, and will, express when man so purifies himself that he becomes a member of the Divine Symphony of Life, enriching not only this planet and all hereon, but the Cosmic Symphony of Creation – blending with the Harmonious Radiation of the Universe! 

Follow the Divine Plan for your own Being by entering the Sacred Theater within. By giving obeisance to the Presence of God within, you can expand any virtue or quality to forward the evolution of this Earth and in oneness all life shall be enriched thereby. 

When an instrument is not in tune one turns to an expert to tune it and restore it to its perfect pitch. You can tune your being by application of the Laws of Life – BE THOU MADE WHOLE BY THE RELEASE OF HARMONIOUS ENERGY AT ALL TIMES. 

In harmonious accord with all Creation, 

 "I AM" El Morya