The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME 9, Number 34                                                                                                                    August 25, 1987


El Morya:


Blessings upon you, dear steadfast children of Light,


The Qualities of Faith and Trust are, of course, FEELINGS!


There is no self-conscious intelligence which cannot feel, nor which does not have emotions of one type of another. Therefore, each chela must examine himself to find out exactly in what he has placed his Faith and Trust. Then, through self conscious endeavor, each chela must personally try to place and keep his feelings of Faith and Trust in God and his messengers.


Through the release of his feelings, every individual actually magnetizes that in which he believes.


In order to experience the Goodness of God - his own individual "I AM" Presence, right here in this physical appearance world, Faith and Trust in him must be self-consciously directed toward him, daily and rhythmically. Then back through that channel so formed by the rising energy of Faith and Trust in that God Presence will flow the visible, tangible blessings which will be of sufficient proof to any individual of the efficacy of such spiritual exercise and control of his emotional world.


In the loving Faith I hold you   each dear one,


"I AM"

El Morya