The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME 9, Number 29                                                                                           July 21, 1987 


El Morya:


The chela of his own free will must choose to merge his individual consciousness with the Divine Consciousness... then he will find that he has limitless possibilities for expanding the Light Truth to others less illumined, and privileged.


Be assured that any of the Cosmic or Ascended Beings are willing and grateful to have you appeal to them for assistance. To attain this assistance all that is required is that you turn your attention to them realizing that he is the Spirit of the Almighty which is the Divine Principle of his or her Life. In so doing you attune yourselves to, and become consciously a part of the ONE GOD who is always grateful to give you Directives and Loving Radiation... but remember... it is the ONE PRINCIPLE OF LIFE that is acting.


To maintain the Consciousness of the Ascended or Cosmic Beings requires great wisdom and fortitude, for the little self realizes that it is losing its foothold so to speak, and realizing this fact endeavors to drag you into the mire of human thinking.


Should this happen, soon it will be no more… for on the Higher Level, your human is offered a life-line for transmutation into the Divine.


These is usually a difficult time for the chelas for the tests are subtle, and creep in unaware... but know with full conviction that even though we may not seem to be around when you need assistance... our loving guidance, through Radiation is giving every possible assistance permitted by Cosmic Law.

El Morya








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