The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 9, Number 13                                                                                                                            March 31, 1987


El Morya:


Greetings, My Beloved Friends of The Ages, I love you.


Be still, my Friends, be still, and feel your Sacred Flame within expand in a gesture of total surrender to the Universe and the Will of God "I AM" that "I AM". Feel the PEACE that SILENCE brings, and the STRENGTH that STILLNESS BRINGS. Be still and KNOW that "I AM" GOD. Take time to be Holy, and experience that glorious merging of the conscious with the superconscious, until "I AM" that "I AM".


God is in his Holy Temple. Be aware of that Truth, fully aware, and feel your lower bodies hushed by his Presence. Be fully aware of the gentle ebb and flow of the Holy Breath ¾ the Sacred Breath of the Holy Spirit that binds you to the Divine Mother. Be aware of the Holy Spirit to the exclusion of everything else ¾ fully aware ¾ so that when the Dawn awakens, and the dewdrop slips silently into the shimmering sea, you will merge with the Sea of Eternal Bliss, enfolded in Pure Divine Love, a Master of Love walking the sweet Earth.


It is the Divine Edict that all men shall become Masters of Love in its true sense, and remember that there is no lifestream in all the Great Universe of God who is not in some manner a Dispenser of the Divine Love Element.

El Morya