The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 13, Number 33                                                                                                August 16, 1991


Beloved Friends and Fellow-Workers, 

If you will please center yourselves in consciousness, I will de­scribe the ceremony as it took place on the night of June 30. Let your minds and hearts be in total at-one-ment with mine. See as I see, hear as I hear, and open your hearts to the purity of Love expressed through this service. 



Central Council Chamber at the GREAT TETON RETREAT

Evening of June 30, 1991

Narrator: John, the Beloved  

I AM seated in the front row of chairs situated to the left of the two arcs of Chairs at the front of the Central Council Chamber. I have an unobstructed view of both arcs, as well as the center area between them.

The Chairs which form the two arcs would more accurately be referred to as 'Thrones', although the Great Ones who occupy them prefer - in all humility - to avoid descriptions which might place undue emphasis upon their positions of authority in any way. In deference to their wishes along these lines, I will refrain from de­tailed description of the beauty of form that I see before me. However, I remind you, our beloved chelas, that all creation in the inner realms of perfection is just that - perfection! There is beauty and artistry expressed in every detail of this room and its furnishings, because the consciousness and love out of which it sprang is not capable of creating less than perfection of all forms. 

I entered the Hall before all others, with the exception of Beloved Mother Mary, who accompanied me tonight, and sits beside me now. Shall I describe her beauty as less than it is? If possible, she expresses higher and higher degrees of perfection, growing in beauty each time I see her.

She is living proof that the God Quality of motherhood, as expressed in the Heart of Creation, is eternal youth, beauty and perfection externalized. There is a constant flow of the Mother-love of God emanating from her Presence. It attracts all life to her - always, and I Am no exception to this rule! Tonight, she wears the most simple gown of palest blue, so pale in tone that it appears almost more of a radiance than a color. There is no adornment upon her head, but none is needed, for the golden beauty of her hair is like shimmering Light a­round her face, and over her shoulders.

The two of us, having entered early, are able to sit quietly for a time, contemplating the Love of God, which we have been so fortunate to express in service over many years, so often working together. Just as we have taught you to do in your Sanctuaries, we take these moments to ponder the Love of God within our hearts, and within your hearts, too. Realizing how blessed we are to be able to join in service, and with you, as well; we fill the Chamber with our Love, to welcome all who will enter.

In groups and singly, others now enter the Council Chamber. Except for the gentle music which fills the auditorium at most times, silence is maintained, with all entering quietly, being seated with as little disturbance as possible. Brothers and Sisters of the Order at the Teton Retreat act as guides, for there are always many chelas attending in their finer vehicles. Another interesting fact is that all the seats in any section or area are far enough apart that each individual may be seated, or rise and leave his seat, without disturbing the others in his row. There is a feeling of spaciousness, even when the auditorium is completely filled.

Beloved Gautama enters now, and with him is Lord Maitreya. They take seats next to Mary, and we see that Beloved Sanat Kumara is also present now. Even before we see that they are present, we can feel the tremendous radiation which accompanies these Great Ones. Just as Mary's essence of Mother-love radiates forth from her being at all times, so do the God Qualities of the Holy Triumvirate create a great vibratory activity which is a part of their very Beings.

They too indicate by the simplicity of their robes, that it is the quality of Light which truly forms the beauty with which they are clothed. I tell you this, because even though the robes worn by the Beings of Light who attend this ceremony are exquisitely beautiful, nothing is ever of an ostentatious nature. Rather, simplicity is truly the keynote which is evident in the nature of such highly evolved persons.

I will describe Their attire in somewhat more detail, but I want you to realize that - beyond the importance of 'Beauty for beauty's sake' - which does have its valid spiritual purpose, there is usually some reason for the symbols that are used or worn by the various Masters of Light.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Attune to me, and let me constantly fill you with my Love - my purpose of being. Let my Love help you discover your reason for being, as well! 

Your Friend of Light and Love, John, the Beloved 





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