The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 13, Number 37                                                                                   September 13, 1991


Beloved Chelas, 

One aspect of the seating in the general assembly always seems to remains constant. The members of each Ray sit in sections together. The reason for this is the conservation of energy. It is much more efficient to direct currents of energies to and through large groups of people who are working together for a similar purpose when they are gathered together. It facilitates the flow of Light and conserves energy, which is an established policy in the higher octaves.

The Elohim are also present, and tonight sit directly behind the Archangels, also in order of Their Rays. Mighty Hercules is directly behind Michael, Beloved Cassiopeia behind Jophiel, then Orion behind Chamuel, Claire behind Gabriel, the Representative of Vista behind Raphael, Tranquility behind Uriel, and ending with Arcturus behind Zadkiel. Although I do not see the Divine Complements of the Elohim, I sense their Presences with us.

The four mighty Directors of the Elements have taken seats in the section where I am seated. The great Master Kuthumi is seated near us tonight. Dwjal Khul, acting both as representative of the Great Teton Retreat and of the Second Ray of God Illumination, has chosen to sit in the general assembly with the teachers and the chelas of the Teton retreat. It is an impressive assemblage.

A beautiful podium is provided for the Angel of the Scrolls, who will take an important part in the ceremony to come. This Blessed Angel will stand attentively facing the Karmic Board, as it is his responsibility to act as the record-keeper of the coming services. 

During his term of service, the Angel of the Scrolls is never called by his name, but uses only his title. This is an act of humility, again presenting to all life a beautiful lesson through his example.

Each scroll presented will contain the original petition, plus the terms of the grant of energy which has been given by the Karmic Board to the Applicant, be it Master, Angel, Deva, initiate or chela.

Everything is in readiness, and the auditorium is filled. Every lifestream who is in attendance - ascended and unascended alike - have fulfilled whatever is required of them to prepare the Council Chamber, filling it with their love and their Light, each to the highest of their individual ability. We wait for the entrance of the Sun Gods and Goddesses and the Members of the Karmic Board.

The first sign that this is about to take place is that total silence fills the entire Council Chamber. The music gently recedes. For this moment in time, all activity of any kind is simply completely and utterly suspended. Everything that is visible or audible within the Chamber enters total, complete, and absolute silence.

* * * * * * *

I ask that you close your eyes for a moment, shutting out all distraction that may surround you right now. Go within your Heart Center, and feel the complete and total peace of absolute silence. Let me surround you with my Peace and enfold you completely with a Cloak of Quietude, so that you may experience the wonderful Presence and security of the absolute silence that fills the Council Chamber as we wait together for the entrance of the Gods. 

 John, the Beloved






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