The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 32                                                                                          August 7, 1992


My Beloved Chelas, 

Master Kuthumi has written that you may apply for special training. It is my sincere hope that you will take full advantage of this opportunity now revealed. He has also told you that the offering of this opportunity depends upon your perceptions, desires, and willingness to serve the broader needs of the Earth. To this I will add that it also depends upon your petitions, which have been recently submitted to the Karmic Board. They provide a great clue to your special interests, and talents, as well! 

As you think about the areas of service in which you are particularly interested, we will be suggesting some ways to help you discern them more clearly. This will help you decide how to develop for the good of the whole Family of Man. 

I would like to speak to you about the process of restoration while you are enfolded in the intensified outpouring of the mighty Archangel of Restoration during this month. The Divine Plan is for the Earth and all its evolutions to be restored to the beauty, harmony, peace and perfection held in the Heart and Mind of God. Each person is somewhere within this process, taking whatever steps he or she can to express more of the perfection they knew with their God Parents before all worlds. Each one is offered the opportunity to be a part of this great plan, if they so desire, and none will be refused. The only requirement is that they do their best, continuing to move forward by making some self-conscious effort. 

The individuality of spiritual progress via evolution cannot be refuted. However, with each step forward into Light, the individual who is consciously on the spiritual path will act to inspire and raise the vibratory activity of those around him. That is, he or she will be incorporating each spiritual step into their personal life, and actively setting the example to the outer world in all ways possible. 

Many people believe in and respond very strongly to a personality trait they call ‘ ‘competition’. However, in the spiritual sense, competition does not exist, because it is a part of human consciousness. Competition encourages one to constantly look outside of himself and compare his progress with that of others. Do not permit the idea of being better than someone else become more important than simply being your best. The high accomplishments of any person should be an inspiration to others, rather than bringing a negative influence to bear upon the ideals of self-worth and brotherhood that true spiritual understanding brings. 

A chela of the Light will train himself to thank God for the presence of others in his life who inspire him by their lofty attainments, taking encouragement by the examples they set. He will not harbor a sense of failure or discouragement. 

With every step upon your path of Light, just do your best, and realize that you are moving forward. Be grateful for those who have moved above the mass-consciousness in significant ways for the examples they set and the accomplishments they make. Do not compare yourself with others, but use your time to do the things you can to improve life around you. As you let yourself be inspired by the accomplishments of others, you will know that higher attainments are also possible for you! 

Call on the great Archangel of Restoration, not only during this month, but always, to assist you in restoring every facet of your life to the perfection that is held in the Heart and Mind of God for you. Know that only you can fulfill the specific portion of the Great Divine Plan that is yours - and be glad! 

Your Friend,

John, the Beloved







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