The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 49                                                                                                    December 4, 1992


Beloved Ones of Light, 

All desires to serve in specific ways must be carefully screened by you to be sure that you are not asking to serve in a way you feel to be more exalted than another. When you decide that there are only certain jobs that you want to do, or are more prepared to do, be careful not to close a door of opportunity. Under certain conditions, the fact that you particularly like to do certain jobs could present a barrier to your spiritual growth. 

Most people like to do the things that they feel most secure and comfortable doing. Don't be afraid to move out and learn something new. Give yourself the opportunity to develop those areas of expertise that feel unfamiliar to you, especially if such an opportunity presents itself without your seeking it out. It may be that you are being presented with a chance to fulfill some part of your nature which has not yet been balanced. In this way you may complete your Earthly education, and possibly even achieve your Ascension in the Light. 

If we compare life to a magnificent opera, think about all that must go into such a production. All the beautiful music that has ever been written is of no use if there is no hand to play the instrument; no voice to sing the song. Even when you have the singers, the orchestra, and the conductor, you must have a theater in which to present the opera. Rehearsals must be scheduled and fulfilled to polish each act of the production. Costumes and settings must be created. People are needed to prepare the theater for the performance by setting up the scenery and seeing that all is cleaned and ready. Finally, and not the least, there must be an audience to attend the performance, bringing their abilities to appreciate and enjoy, or possibly even to critique and reject. Both of these possibilities have their place in helping you to stretch and grow! 

Is one function more important than the other? Are not all these functions necessary to the final production? 

Consider that a beautiful vibration of harmony, joy, and satisfaction in a "job well done!" rises into the ethers during a truly successful performance. That happiness and satisfaction which is the result of all the combined forces that went into the final performance is music to the hearts of your God Parents! 

Your need now is for balance within your lives. As you begin to balance the Threefold Flame within your hearts, watch for opportunities to finish tasks some begun a long time ago. Stand ready to assist others in ways you have not tried before. Remember, you can always draw on talents already developed whenever you need to. Step forward now and remember to call on the Ascension Flame to lift you to new heights of achievement in all ways! 

I AM always with you!

Serapis Bey





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