

                                                                    December, 1992

Beloved Chelas of the One Light, 

At the closing of this Year of Teaching, I want to speak to you about the process of restoration. The beloved galactic Archangel of Restoration has drawn close into the atmosphere of the planet Earth, desirous of giving all life the benefit of an intensified radiation of his quality. During this year, each of you, our dedicated chelas, have been experiencing a powerful opportunity to accomplish your work enfolded within his radiation! 

In addition, beloved Elohim Hercules has been most active, seeing that you received all the Power of God's Will you desired to accomplish the restorative process that is required by the planet Earth right now. I would like to point out that Cosmic Law always freely supplies every individual upon the Earth with as much Spiritual Energy as he or she needs to take their next step, whatever it may be. This applies to all, and not only our beloved chelas. 

However, for the chelas, who are the conscious students and channels of Spiritual Energies into the Earth, more energy is given. Sometimes, it is difficult to bear, due to the increased pressure caused within the four lower vehicles. Even though your intentions are of the highest, you also have your final karmic lessons to be resolved. It is imperative that you rise above the human and insist that your Holy Christ Selves take full command of your lower vehicles right now and eternally sustained! Come! Insist right now! 

We realize that you may be experiencing some deep challenges with this most important step upon the Path, but all the Forces of Light stand ready to assist you - at your call! You must COMMAND! This is where you stand in consciousness right now, and remember that you have been given charge over the Angels. They surround you at all times, but it is your responsibility to command them for the work that needs to be accomplished! 

Do not keep these Mighty Ones waiting, with their Wings of Light folded about themselves, when you can call upon them to help you magnify the Lord within! First, they will assist you in restoring your own beings to the Glory you knew with our Father-Mother God before all worlds! Then, remembering that restoration precedes transformation, they will magnify the powers of the Inner Christ through you, expanding and projecting the miracle of restoration into the entire Earth. 

I was among those who were privileged to witness the Transfiguration of beloved Master Jesus. In spite of the tremendous spiritual significance of this event, it was beyond our comprehension at that time. We were actually witnessing the Christ made physically manifest in the outer form of our beloved Master Jesus. This is the true meaning of the Transfiguration. It is the transformation of the outer human self into the fullness of the Divine nature. 

We were permitted to see the Transfiguration of Jesus with our physical sight, so we could later understand that what we saw manifest in him, would also be true for ourselves. Later, we would understand that we were witnessing the Christ that is within every man, woman and child born upon the Earth. Later still - we would be able to share this understanding with you, even as we are now doing. All during this year of Teaching, we have been working to prepare you to now share with others. 

At the time of Jesus' Transfiguration, those of us who were with him reacted from our human consciousness and we offered to build earthly tabernacles for him, and for those great Beings we saw speaking with him! In reality, we had been taken up into the high mountain of spiritual consciousness, where we were actually enabled to see the Masters walking and talking with the Christ! This is the message of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom that you will now give to everyone within your sphere of influence. It is the true meaning of the teaching that Master Jesus gave, when he said that all the things he did, you would also do, and greater things! 

Jesus knew that we would not understand the full importance of his Transfiguration at the time it took place, even though we were allowed to witness it with our physical sight. He also knew that, in this New Age now dawning, you would be called upon to do a greater thing. If a man, seeing with his physical eyes, cannot understand the meaning of the Transfiguration of one man, how much more difficult will it be for you, who now witness the transforming power of the Christ within yourselves? How difficult will it be for you to demonstrate this to others, and awaken this selfsame knowledge within them? How difficult will it be for you to carry the message to all humankind - which we, the Ascended Masters of Light, walk and talk with you right now? 

You are the witness of the Christ, transforming the personalities of all humankind! That, my beloved ones, is the greater thing that you shall do! As you are now ascending your own mountain of attainment, I am at your side! I bow my knee before the great Angel of Unity, Micah, with whom I was privileged to walk the Earth at the beginning of the last Great Age. Through you, my beloved ones, I shall again be permitted to witness the Transfiguration! I am grateful! 

Your friend and brother,

John, the Beloved




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