The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 1                                                                                     January 3, 1992


Beloved Chelas, 

Welcome to a New Year, and to a new opportunity! It is right and fitting that I have the privilege of writing to you at this momentous time in the history of the planet Earth, for these letters represent a part of the fulfillment of my writings of long ago. During much of the time that I wrote the accounts of my experiences with Master Jesus and the other disciples, I was held prisoner on an island. The revelations were given to me there. 

So often we are placed in situations and locations that furnish us the opportunity to fulfill major parts of our Divine plans. This is often, though not always, without the understanding of the outer human mind. Sometimes that realization does not come until much later. It is important that I share this understanding with you now because, at this time, many of you are in a similar position to that in which I found myself in my final Earthly embodiment. 

Many of our beloved chelas feel imprisoned in some way, even in spite of the spiritual progress, understanding, and beliefs that you so faithfully hold within your hearts and minds. To each one who is experiencing such a feeling, I speak today. I love you! I hold you in the embrace of the Love of the Christ, which is my complete expression now. Following the resurrection and ascension of my beloved Master Jesus, we all did our best to spread the word of the salvation that he had brought to us, the news of the Christ within each human heart, and the ultimate glory of the ascension which would be ours! Eventually, because of my beliefs and teachings, I was banished to an island and made a prisoner for the rest of my earthly life. 

Others of the disciples and followers of Jesus were punished and deprived of their lives in many tortuous ways, becoming martyrs to the cause of the New Age of Christianity that eventually emerged. I was merely banished, put away from life, and had to endure all that such a punishment brings. There were times when I believed that I was less fortunate than the others, for they were released from the mortal plane into the inner realms while I still remained with nothing but the news of them, which somehow reaches one in spite of isolation. There, cut off from all else, I learned the truth of what my Master taught when he said that, though you be a prisoner or a slave, you can be free! 

In that lonely desolate place, I had nothing but time. Unable to help the others or to communicate with them in any open way, my loneliness and separation actually became the blessing that turned me totally within. I met the Teacher within my heart, my own sacred I AM Presence, and I was given the time to write the revelations that were given, thus fulfilling my own divine destiny. Many now read and still attempt to interpret that which was given then, and rightfully so, for it is the story of the fulfillment of the Christian Age. 

Now, beloved Disciples of the Inner Christ, I AM with you, and I will remain with you until the New Age of Spiritual Freedom for all humankind is fully established and functioning. That is the vow that I have made to fulfill the mission given to me so long ago, from the Sacred One who entrusted it to me then! In Peace and Love, 

I AM John, the Beloved








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