The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 20                                                                                                     May 15, 1992


My Beloved Chelas of Light, 

I am so grateful for the opportunity to write to you, especially at this time when you are sojourning in my retreats. Many of the chelas wish to know more about my Training Center, located in the etheric realm over the physical focus of Shamballa. This has been established for some time. However, a major activation of this Center began in 1988, and this was directly in response to the calls of our chelas. 

I wish to make you fully aware of the powerful influence you bring to bear upon the partnership that exists between the chelas and the Octaves of Light. I speak not only of the influence of the group of chelas, but of your individual power within the Octaves of Light! 

During the year of 1988, I was the Enfolding Spirit of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom Activity. As the yearly plan moved forward toward its fulfillment, the chelas decreed with great love and dedication. This enabled the Karmic Board to give us an added release of energy directly assigned to the Ascended Masters Foci of Teaching on the planet. In this year of 1992, I have the honor and opportunity of acting as one of your Sponsors, and I am now able to share some of the inner level development with you to encourage as well as to enlighten you. 

I will begin by reminding you of the Thoughtform that was released from beloved Immaculata, Silent Watcher of the Earth, to Lord Gautama, in 1988. The Thoughtform was as follows: 

"From the East come the Wise Men. Join them and follow the Star. In the Hand of the Heavenly Father rests the Hand of the Divine Mother, holding an Immaculate Pink Rose. In the Heart of the Rose stands your own awakened Christ."  

As a result of your use of this Thoughtform and its accompanying Theme, Beloved El Morya, Dwjal Khul and I received the dispensation from the Karmic Board that we requested. The Centers named in our petition of July, 1988 were; my Training Focus in Shamballa; the Teaching Center at the Great Teton Retreat; and the Central Training Center for Teachers in the Cities of Saint John, the Beloved. These teaching centers are connected by the magnificent Light of the Rainbow Bridge, and have been particularly active since that time. At this time, most of the teaching is directed toward preparing many among you to be the best possible teachers in the New Age of Spiritual Freedom, now dawning upon the Earth. 

Before I close this letter, I remind you that it is once again time to be thinking about the petitions you wish to submit to the beloved Karmic Board at their semi-annual meeting at the great Teton retreat. Now you will have a deeper understanding of the importance of these petitions - yours, as well as ours! 

Beloved ones, my Heart is filled with loving gratitude at the dedication being expressed by you our chelas upon the Earth. I come to encourage you, to confirm and strengthen your faith in the work that we do - together! In my following letters, I will expand upon the information concerning the Training Centers within our Retreats. 

As you have accepted the "MYSTIC UNION of your consciousness with that of the COSMIC CHRIST, remember - "I AM" THE CHRIST, GROWN TO FULL STATURE!  

This letter is given to you on behalf of beloved Masters El Morya, Dwjal Khul, and myself, as those who came from the East, following the Star of the Christ. This Star is now established within your hearts, each dear and blessed one! Breathe upon it! Fan the Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power that is the very essence of the Star of the Christ! It dwells within you! 









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