The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 22                                                                                                      May 29, 1992


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Light, 

I am happy to let you know that my Training Center in the etheric realm over the physical focus of Shamballa is being fully activated and expanded in scope. One of the primarily functions it will fulfill is the preparation of those chelas who wish to serve as teachers of the awakening lifestreams of Earth. 

Many of you desire to serve as directors of the group work that has already begun on the Earth. Established groups are also beginning to grow, drawing other people to their work. Chelas everywhere are feeling the need and desire to expand forgiveness, understanding, healing, and other specific God-qualities that seem especially required in their areas. Many wish to gather together and join forces in this work, but may be unsure as to what their focus should be, or how to set up and direct their classes. It is in response to these needs and desires that we work without ceasing. 

The primary mode of work is being handled through small groups established in as many locations on the planet as possible. In many instances, these groups are specialized, having formed under the sponsorship of one or more of the Ascended Masters, whose attention has been drawn through the students' desire to assist in this work. This process has been taking place for quite some time now. Many of the small and sometimes completely independent groups are unaware of the existence of other groups similar to themselves, or of any central focus beyond their own spontaneous beginnings. 

Of course, in the Octaves of Light, all of these seemingly unrelated activities are connected. Through the impetus toward the expression of brotherhood upon the physical plane, it is our hope that many of the small and independent groups will come into contact with each other, and the effort be made to gain the added spiritual power that comes with coordinated service. This may be obtained without sacrificing the specific focus of any individual group, but it does require a desire to connect. Also, the ability to recognize that every person's input is of value must be cultivated, so long as that input is designed for the highest good of all concerned.  

We are now enabled to release much more information about how you are taught and prepared in the Retreats of the Ascended Masters, and of how this work is then established and guided upon the physical plane for the benefit of the entire race. It will not only expand your understanding, but it will give you some guidelines as to how you may work in the most efficient way within your groups. 

Now is the time when brotherhood must be established upon the physical plane in such a way that each individual may use the group impetus to accelerate their individual spiritual growth, while giving of his or her energies to expand this spiritual evolution into the mass consciousness more effectively. This is the way that the Great White Brotherhood functions in the Realms of Light! 

It is truly a wonderful step forward in planetary evolution to be standing at the cusp of The New Age of Spiritual Freedom together! Now, dear Chelas - upon your wings of Love and Light - this planet may be lifted to spiritual heights previously unattainable. We, as your Guides and Teachers, have long awaited the time when these tremendous potentials could be expressed! 

As I close my letter today, I ask that you place your attention upon my Training Center in the etheric realm over Long Island, not only before retiring at night, but also during your meditation periods during your waking hours. Breathe in the Spiraling Golden Flame! Accept its raising activity, and feel yourself become the sunshine golden radiance of Its Light going forth into all life you contact! Enter the sacred Silence where you may receive the Illumination, Wisdom and Understanding you require to do all that is necessary to fulfill your part of the Divine Plan. Your help is so needed! 

Your Brother of Light,
