

 November, 1992

Beloved Disciples of Holy Spirit, 

My message today is simple. I thank you! I lovingly enfold you in my gratitude for your efforts so far this year. It has truly been one of accomplishment, and as we enter the closing months of 1992, I wish to join my energies with yours, in a meditation of thanksgiving. Call upon your Presence, and enter the silence of your heart. There I await you, seated in the Pink Flame of Divine Love, which forms a radiant heart-shaped aura of crystalline radiance around me. Come and sit within my aura now, as my beloved Chohans often do. Breathe with me, deeply and gently, and feel the Love, Peace and Comfort of Holy Spirit enter your soul. As you breathe out, let your radiance join with mine, and we shall give thanksgiving to the great Beings of Light who are working with you this year. 

First concentrate upon John, the Beloved. Breathe in our combined momentum of Love and Gratitude, and on the outbreath, send a Ray of Love from your heart to him. Thank him for his love and his teachings to you. Feel him join us now, also sitting down within my aura. Accept the increasing momentum of Light. 

Continuing to breathe deeply and rhythmically, let us now send our combined gratitude to beloved Master Kuthumi. As he accepts our Ray of Love, feel his presence joining us. He, too, sits down within my aura, and begins to breathe in unison with us. Accept a further acceleration in the momentum of gratitude. 

Now we shall thank Micah, the beloved Angel of Unity. Accepting our gratitude, he, too, joins us, and as he breathes with us, we send a Ray of Gratitude to beloved Master Hilarion. Remember that Hilarion has guided and guarded your efforts all year in every Healing Class in which you have participated. 

As Master Hilarion joins us, I ask that you continue to inbreathe the quality of gratitude, absorbing as much of an increase within your beings as your I AM Presence will allow. On the outbreath, expand and project it forth to all Beings of Light, especially the seven Chohans, who love you so dearly, and appreciate your every effort to expand the Light of God upon the Earth. 

Finally, I ask that you again place your attention upon your own God Presence, and together, we will let our combined momentum of gratitude and love flow to it. It is through your I AM Presence that the energies and love of the Octaves of Light and those of the Earth plane are united as one loving, healing force for the highest good of all life! 

Take time often to remember the Source of all good to you and through you to all life! Know beyond a shadow of doubt that this great Light Being, I AM, is the Open Door to Christ Consciousness for your life ¾ and all life, permitting you to act as the Chalice of Holy Spirit to this Earth. Beloved, remember always that it is the Light of your Presence, ever with you, all-knowing and all-loving, that makes our communications possible, for a Master of Light will approach you only by this Path. Your Father-Mother God, the Omnipotent, Universal I AM PRESENCE, comes through the Sun, the Holy Christ Self sent forth to enlighten the Earth. Make this the heart of your meditations until this truth is fully realized. 

Now, my beloved ones, I ask that you work quietly and steadily upon strengthening your relationship with your own God Presence. In these final weeks of 1992, remember that each closing cycle is also the open door to a new beginning. I know your hearts are anticipating an expansion of the tasks you have begun. Before you become immersed in this new beginning, review your progress to see where you may need to intensify your efforts. This preparation will assist you to know what your new petitions need to be, uniting your efforts with all of your friends in the Octaves of Light. 

Through the Heart of your I AM Presence, the Golden Chalice of your upraised consciousness, I now bless you and bless you, directing my Flame of Love, Comfort and Peace through your beings and worlds into all life everywhere. 

Maha Chohan Paul