The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 37                                                                                                           September 11, 1992



Beloved Chelas of the One Light, 

The teaching foci over the North American continent function in a coordinated way to serve the needs of all chelas and students of Light around the entire planet. Because teaching is the focus of this year of 1992, we have been speaking primarily of the teaching foci which exist within these larger complexes or retreats of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings. I will now give you an overview of how all the foci of Light and the entire system of Ascended Master retreats connect and function to assist the Earth at all times. 

The great triangle over the United States is formed by Shamballa, the Great Teton Retreat and the Cities of St. John. This particular triangle is planetary in scope, serving the teaching requirements of not only the people in the North and South American Continents but all students of Light worldwide. 

Over many continents there is a triangular activity of Retreats dedicated to certain specific qualities of the Godhead. These function under the supervision of various Ascended Masters or other Cosmic Beings, who serve as their hierarchs. The hierarchs draw energy from the Sun on behalf of the retreats through which they serve. This energy is then focused and expanded through their brotherhoods, and used for the needs they have chosen. These formations of retreats magnetize and expand the energy within the triangle to which they belong, and then project it outward from the focus located at the eastern most point of the triangle. That energy travels and connects with the next retreat or focus of Light, and merges with the energy being magnetized and generated there. If that next focus belongs to another triangle, the energy moves within the triangle first, as described above, before exiting at the eastern most point and moving onward. 

All foci of Light are included in this process, whether they are a single focus in their area, or belong to a large complex of retreats or etheric cities. Each focus adds to the spiritual Light energy before sending it onward in an easterly direction, so it is constantly increased and intensified as it moves around the Earth. There are single foci of Light contained within the perimeters of the triangles, and also around them. 

There are foci of Light over the oceans of the Earth, about which we have as yet spoken little. While it is not necessary that you know the location and identity of every focus of Light around, upon, or within the Earth, it is important for you to know that they are there, adding constantly to your well-being, and that of all Earth's evolutions. 

I ask that you visualize this tremendous network of Light, using the foci of which you are aware, and observe the constant movement of Light that is taking place. Please add a point of Light at your own physical location, for you are a part of this grand network! See a bridge connect into the network from where you are. You may add points of Light where you know other chelas and groups to be. You may also call for increased Light at locations upon the Earth where you feel there is a special need at this moment in time. This is one way in which foci of Light may be created, or reactivated. 

Many ancient foci of Light exist within the etheric realms of the planet, just waiting for the Flame to be activated in them once again through the love of some embodied being of Light. When this occurs, they may resume service to the areas near them which require additional Light, to fulfill healing or other needs. 

As various retreats and foci of Light are discussed, if you will visualize the activity of Light described, great intensification and expansion of the Body of Light will take place around the Earth. I thank and bless you for your cooperation, beloved chelas! 

Your friend and teacher,






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