The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 15, Number 23                                                                                                              June 4, 1993


Beloved Chelas, 

The past week has truly been a period of discovery for you, has it not? Many of you have begun to realize that mastery over your four lower vehicles, even for just ten minutes each and every day, is not quite as easy as it may sound. 

One experience which nearly all of our chelas have shared during the past week has been an occasional reluctance to practice the stillness at the particular time of day you specified for yourself. Some of you refrained from practicing a period of stillness because you felt too tired, or too busy; or you were thinking of the day to come or the one just past. Others have become discouraged by a seeming lack of results during the period of stillness, indicating a hidden desire for phenomena. 

Beloved ones hold fast! All is well! These experiences, whatever their form, are a gift to you from your Inner Christ. Remember, your reactions and responses to spiritual stimuli indicate those areas which need attention. As always, consciousness is the key! As you examine your actions and reactions, you will move forward with a deeper understanding of the processes involved in seeking the Silence. 

When you can realize just how deeply entrenched are the many voices of your lower vehicles; when you can see the power you have given them to dominate your time, energy and actions - then and only then can you act to retrieve that power and transmute it, making it available for the use of the Presence of God I AM! 

Your assignment during the next seven days will be to strengthen and solidify your determination and constancy of endeavor, in completing the assignments as given. Use the written record which you began last week. Read through the experiences you have had with the stillness, and look back over those days when you did not complete the assignments. Analyze any periodic reluctance to enter the stillness, and see if you can determine which of your four lower vehicles had the strongest voice in deterring you from seeking communion with your Inner Christ. It is very likely that you will find that all of your vehicles have, at one time or another, raised objections to your continued progress. In any case, once you have analyzed your difficulty, begin to recognize those thoughts, feelings, memories and physical discomforts, at the moment they occur. Then, transmute, transmute, transmute them, clearing a path of light between your con­sciousness and your Inner Christ! 

Continue to seek the stillness at the same time each day, and to record your daily experiences in writing. As you work to increase your constancy of endeavor and determination to succeed, remember that you can call upon me - or any of my Ascended brothers or sisters - for assistance. Know that I AM ever at your side, beloved friends!









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