The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 16, Number 27                                                                                                      July 8, 1994


Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Light, 

From time to time through the years of our friendship, you have thought that perhaps we would leave you alone to carry on the work that we began together so long ago. Perhaps you felt that you were not doing enough, or that the Ascended Masters had more important tasks to be done. For whatever reason you may have entertained this thought, it has brought some fear to your hearts. I wish to assure you that a lifestream is never left without the Love and Comfort of God through his messengers, even when that assistance is not consciously recognized. Beloved,  we are always with you! 

You are learning that you need to listen within and follow your intuition, and this is good. However, I remind you that one of the gifts of the Second Ray is that of Understanding. This gift requires that you think things through, remembering that your intuition is insufficient of itself to develop true spiritual understanding.

True understanding demands that an individual is able to - not only see and accept the truth for himself - but also teach it to others. Understanding brings the completion of the gifts of Enlightenment. It demonstrates that the teacher knows the Truth, grasps the inner meaning, and has some idea of how to apply it in a practical way. 

Together, let us think through my earlier statement: We are always with you. Remember that when you move forward in God's Light, we also move forward, for we work as One glorious Brotherhood in this respect. As spiritual consciousness evolves within mankind, every kingdom of God moves forward. Thus, it is not a matter of being left behind, but of moving forward together! 

It is not possible for us to leave you! Rather, we march forward together into infinity: There is only One Father-Mother God to all Creation. This God has One Heart, One Mind and One Body of Light, through which his great Powers and Virtues shall be forever poured forth and anchored into the beings and worlds of all your brothers and sisters in the One Family of Man. Remember, I AM a part of that God, and so, beloved, are you! Contemplate this, until we meet again.

A brother who loves you, Kuthumi







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