The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 16, Number 30                                                                                                                July 29, 1994


Beloved Chelas of Light, 

Your understanding has developed greatly during this month, while concen­trating on the Divine Quality of Unity between yourselves and all your brothers and sisters in the One Family of Man. 

In coming to know your own Divine Plan better, you can see more clearly how necessary you are to the whole. You can understand the importance of spiritual awareness and see that your power can be released more effectively and fully through your understanding, as well as your desire. Over the many years of our sacred friendship, your right desire has always been clearly discernible to those of us who work with you from the Octaves of Light. Now, as spiritual Understanding becomes more established in your nature, you are seeing the need to fulfill your right desires through sustained action and the strengthening of your 'Will to Do'. 

While you were receiving a concentrated momentum of the First Ray, you learned more about discipline and worked to build the quality of Divine Obedience into your four lower vehicles. This is now serving you well, helping you to understand and follow the teachings and instructions being released at this time through the radiation of the Second Ray of Enlightenment. 

If you recall, one of the negative responses to a First Ray momentum that may be called forth from your four lower vehicles is that of rebellion. As you worked to establish Divine Obedience in your four lower vehicles, you observed this, and began to take more responsibility for mastery in this respect. This shall, of course, continue, for, as a chela of the Great White Brotherhood, you must become completely aware of both your responses and your responsibilities. 

Recently, I told you that your personal tests would now be more subtle and often more difficult to understand. The reason for this is that you have mastered many of the larger and more obvious situations presented to you. Now, in transmuting the less obvious problems that are set before you, you meet many fine points of understanding that still go unnoticed by those who are at a different place on the Spiritual Path. As you continue to work with this refining practice, you will become adept much more quickly. 

You have watched your emotions carefully over the past weeks, steadily releasing and transmuting various fears. Now you will begin to experience the true Spiritual Freedom that exists within the Seventh Realm of the Sacred Violet Fire, especially as you prepare to enter the Temple of Mercy and Compassion to work with beloved Kwan Yin. 

Even as you must always keep the Violet Fire blazing around you, I also remind you to intensify your Mantle of Light, for this is an activity that will help you to become ONE with your I AM Presence in every way. The Mantle of Light, in conjunction with the sacred Violet Fire, ultimately forms your 'Pathway of Light' home to the Heart of your Presence. I will speak more about the Mantle of Light, for you may now begin to work with Archangel Michael to assist many others to become conscious of how they can begin to move forward into the Light of their own God Presence. 

I enfold you always in the steadfast protection of my Love and Light. 
