The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 16, Number 18                                                                                             May 6, 1994


Beloved Chelas of Light, 

As you take more care regarding the purification and protection of your own four lower vehicles and aura, you are being prepared and enabled to serve more efficiently in behalf of others. This will continually strengthen you as a pure vessel, through which Light may be dispensed in an ever-expanding manner. 

As a group, your attention to the strengthening of the Body of Light is also offering increased opportunity to the Masters and Cosmic Beings, through which more Light may be dispensed to the planet. This Light may then be used where it is most required to bring enlightenment and healing. 

At this time, while the incoming souls are being prepared for embodiment in the Temples of the Sacred Heart, call upon this Light to prepare for their arrival. Qualify the Light with Violet Fire, and call for the purest elemental substance possible to be provided for the preparation of their hearts and physical forms. Claim the perfection God desires for each one, in body, mind and soul. In addition, let us continually increase the capacity of the entire Body of Light to hold the Immaculate Concept for all children, youth and young people in embodiment at all times by often placing our attention upon this activity, especially during the month of May. 

I would now like to speak about the gifts that children bring into the world as they enter embodiment. When I speak of gifts in this context, I refer to the talents and abilities that a person brings into the world, rather than the giving and receiving of more tangible physical gifts, such as those exchanged between people. That is also important, because all physical gifts are symbolic, just as a child brings his spiritual identity into the world en­cased within his or her physical form. The physical form is designed to accommodate and externalize their spiritual identity, and that is its true reason for being. 

The Immaculate Concept has been defined in many ways, by many of the Ascended Masters and other Cosmic Beings. I ask that you consider the following thought: Each child born to the Earth brings the Flame of the Christ with them, anchored within their heart. This is the Understanding to which you must hold fast, even when no outer sign is apparent to attest to this Truth. 

Within this Flame, the Holy Christ Self holds the spiritual gift of the child in safety until such time it is to be released in the world of form. Up to that moment, everything that happens in the life of the child, all opportunities and choices, become part of the preparation required for the perfection of his or her gift to be released. This allows the free will of the individual to be used, through which tests will be given and spiritual discernment, strength and understanding developed. 

Sometimes it may seem difficult to discern the nature of the gift brought into the world within the person, but I assure you that it is present. As parents, guardians, and teachers of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom, it is your responsibility to know there is a gift embodied by every child born upon the Earth!

If you hold this fact in heart and mind, it will be much easier to discern the gift and encourage the child to develop and give his or her gift to the Earth. Your assurance will build the confidence within the developing person that only love can bring. This, my beloved chelas, may be your gift to the world, regardless of what other benefits you may be dispensing along the way! 

With Gratitude for your service, I AM...








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