The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 32                                                                                                        August 11, 1995


Dear chelas, 

Over the past several years you have all observed the activity of unity taking place in a small way in parts of Europe and several countries to the East. The walls of human creation have truly come down and the people in these countries must now come to accept each other, including their ideas, customs, culture, physical appear­ance, and history. 

As many of you are observing every day, this is not always an easy process and the sacred flames must be called forth over and over again during this time of change and transition. The flames of mercy and forgiveness must blaze forth constantly, transmuting not only old ideas and memories but also the actions of others that continue to take place on a daily basis. Only in this way may the time come when true understanding and acceptance can fully take place. 

Every individual and even the very substance of the Earth must be constantly purified so that no new negativity can begin to manifest and interfere in bringing forth the gifts and blessings of unity and brotherhood into the minds and hearts of all persons involved. It is this purity that will eventually allow the qualities of love, understanding, patience, and friendship to strengthen in every individual, allowing peace to finally manifest upon the Earth. 

We have shared with you for many years the knowledge that every individual lifestream is of God and you must come to see God in everything. This, beloved ones, is the ONENESS of all life! But before this can happen you must first recognize the divinity within yourself and learn to love as our Father-Mother God loves. Accepting this understanding and firmly anchoring it deep within your being, the answers to your questions of "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" will quickly become more simple. 

We have spoken often to encourage and instruct you in how to become a master of your own life energy. As you take this concept further you can see that, together, the entire family of man, the angelic kingdom, and all elemental life must also come together and, united in service, master the energies of this entire planet. As this concept continues to grow and expand in your mind you will begin to see the universal importance of this work. Come to love yourself as God loves you, beloved ones, and then share this love with others, just as I always enfold you in my love! 

During the coming week, ask yourself those two simple questions: "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" once again. Then, centered within the sacred heart of pure divine love, listen to your answer.

I AM Ĉolus





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