The Shamballa Letter

 VOLUME 17, Number 49                                                                                                      December 8, 1995


Beloved chelas,

As we will celebrate the Feast of the Angels later this month, let us now focus our attention upon the angelic kingdom, as all of its members now assist in the restoration of Shamballa. 

Taking a deep breath, close your eyes and see before you a magnificent angelic being, whom you recognize as one of the members of your personal task force. This great being of light smiles and as she steps back from your vision, you quickly become aware of legions of angels, from the smallest of the cherubs to the largest of the great angelic beings who move through the universe and can hold entire solar systems in their loving hands. 

You are aware that they have come at your request to assist in the restoration of Shamballa and are only awaiting your directive to begin this loving service for the Earth. At your command they spread out in all directions, moving across the planet and quickly arriving at the physical focus of Shamballa. They descend to the grounds, where they are greeted and welcomed by countless members of the elemental kingdom. 

It is these elemental beings, especially the gnomes, sylphs, undines, and salamanders, who have worked diligently during the past several months. They have gone deep into the very center of the Earth and then up to the highest level of the atmosphere which surrounds the planet, purifying all negativity and reestablishing the pristine beauty of Shamballa. 

The time has now come for the angelic legions who, as guardians of God's Virtues, dispense their gifts of strength, power, wisdom, illumination, love, joy, consecration, compassion, freedom and all the other blessings given to the Earth by our Father-Mother God. These qualities filter through all aspects of this sacred focus, especially filling the emotional vehicle, so that people everywhere may connect with Shamballa through their feeling nature, more fully understanding its true reality and reason for being. 

Beloved ones, take a few moments right now and feel deep within your being how a new and higher vibration has now filled the physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles of Shamballa, as a magnificent peace now blankets the entire property at all levels of consciousness. The perfection of this blazing cathedral of living light has been restored! So be it, beloved I AM. 

Beloved ones gently begin to return your attention to your physical location, but as you do, make the request of your I AM Presence that, from this day forth, you will remain fully connected at inner levels through the focus of Shamballa in your heart to the physical focus of Shamballa on Long Island. This will enable you to more perfectly serve the planet Earth as one of my disciples. Throughout the coming week increase this inner connection and feel my love enfolding you, as the time now draws near for the mighty Ascension Flame to blaze forth, and we prepare to welcome in the new and beautiful year.

Ĉolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit






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