The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 52                                                                                                              December 29, 1995


Beloved ones, 

In just two days, the mighty Ascension Flame will blaze forth brightly for an entire year, filling all chelas and lightworkers everywhere with the gifts of purity, resurrection, ascension, and joy. Through the work you have each been involved with over the past four months, not only is Shamballa prepared, but you, my disciples, are each also ready for what will take place in your lives during the next year. 

The past twelve months have been a busy time and have gone by very quickly. Through the power of love and adoration, you have learned many valuable lessons and shared many gifts with your brothers and sisters in the family of man. Not only have you been working with the Third Ray but, through the purifying powers of the sacred Violet Fire, you have also focused your attention upon the First and Second Rays, balancing the activity of these three flames. No longer need you wonder why this year of divine love seemed to be more difficult than many others, when you look at what you have accomplished. You have each done well and are ready to receive the fullness of God's magnificent Fourth Ray into your beings and worlds. 

Continue your calls, beloved ones. Meditate often, visualize, invoke, and decree, for all that you now know within your hearts is very real. Allow the divine perfection of Shamballa and yourselves to shine forth, visible to the sight of all people everywhere in the days and weeks to come. Through the oneness of all life, know that, as you do this work, you have the love, wisdom, and power of the entire membership of the Great White Brotherhood behind you. We praise and thank you for your dedicated co-service with us, assisting to manifest the divine will of our Father-Mother God here in the world of form. 

It has been a privilege an honor to be the primary writer of the Shamballa Letters this year and I thank you for your attention to my words. In 1996, beloved Serapis Bey, Chohan of the Fourth Ray, has requested to serve in this capacity, but I AM sure that, from time to time, other great Masters of Wisdom will wish to share information that we hope will inspire, illumine, and assist you on your spiritual journey. May all God's blessings be yours, my beloved disciples, and may you sojourn often to the sacred city of Shamballa or any of the other great foci of light around your planet, for the doors are always open.


Ĉolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit