The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 8                                                                                                      February 24, 1995


Dear Chelas, 

I would like to share with you an example of how your seven bodies unite and work as one, as I have written previously about the importance of, what I call, the ‘unity of being’. 

The Presence of God I AM within you desires and directs you to accomplish a particular goal you have been given by speaking to you through your Holy Christ Self within your heart. Your emotional body then comes into action and prods you to seek that which you need and you begin to feel a very strong desire to learn all you can about the particular activity you will perform. 

So you begin your search, and what you require may be obtained from many sources. This includes that which is stored within your Causal Body, if you happen to be centered enough to access this information. Your mental body then receives, from this or another source, the knowledge needed concerning the subject. Your mind then sends the information learned, to be assimilated and stored within your etheric body for immediate or future reference. 

Included there is all of the information you have acquired and everything which surrounds your experience of learning. Finally, as the culmination of the entire experience, your physical body manifests exactly what is needed in the physical world. 

As you go through this explanation you will see that the order in which the various bodies function may change. Even the particular activity of each body can vary slightly, as each part of the work is fulfilled. However, I believe you can also see that for any activity to manifest perfectly, all seven bodies must be united and function as one. 

You can also immediately see the need for pure and clear lower vehicles, for there will be times in your life when decisions must be made in an instant. For this reason I suggest that you use the violet fire daily, or even hourly if necessary. Increase the attention given, especially to your emotional, mental, etheric, and physical bodies, as you continue to transmute and purify all negativity remaining from the past or created here in the present time. 

You must become master of your own energy before the love, wisdom, and power you have come to know can be shared with the other lifestreams on your planet. Beloved ones, this is the work I wish you to consciously place your atten­tion upon this week. Observe your actions and reactions at both inner and outer levels and see what you can learn. 

In the spirit if divine love, 

I AM Æolus, the Cosmic Holy Spirit