The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 43                                                                                                            October 27, 1995


Beloved ones, 

There are some among you who, perhaps, feel that the work with which we have been involved since the first of September is no longer necessary. I wish to remind each of you that it is through the activity of rhythmic invocation and constant application that all things are possible! Even a minute of your attention a day is important to this work. Every additional amount of energy sent into any endeavor, no matter how small, improves the ultimate outcome. It is for this very reason that I asked beloved Ĉolus to begin this work and it will continue at least through the end of this year, as requested and supported by many members of the spiritual hierarchy. 

Beloved ones, through your combined efforts you are truly manifesting freedom for this Earth, beginning with this sacred focus of great light. What does the manifestation of this God quality really mean to this Activity of Light, the physical property of Shamballa, and its future service to the Earth? First, dear ones, I ask you to consider what it means to be 'free'. When we say a person has achieved freedom according to the teachings of this Activity; it is through your desire for spiritual freedom that you have severed the connection from all outside domination in your life, listening only to the presence of God for guidance, in whatever form this comes to you. 

At this point, through the purifying powers of the sacred Violet Fire, you are released from all burdens and obligations that you have carried around from lifetimes of agreements and connections of a negative nature. You are no longer dependent on others and having received the higher understanding needed to heal the past, you now join others in new and beautiful relationships, unhindered by past mistakes. With every step forward you take upon your spiritual path, you create for yourself a purer and clearer future and, in so doing, improve the future of all life. You now recognize fully the sovereignty of your I AM Presence and this guiding force in your life is autonomous, stressing independence in all matters pertaining to self-government allowing God's will to be the only directing influence in your life. 

Beloved ones, as this principle is true for every person, it is also true for Shamballa, so she can continue to fulfill her divine plan for this planet. Through your loving service addressed in these letters, the power of your unified love is the cornerstone and key for all future manifestation. We have spoken often in the past that it is time for you to find and understand your individual gifts to life before further progress can be made on your part. You are taking these words to heart and rapidly recognizing where you fit in the overall plan and taking full responsibility for your part. 

This week there is no need to visualize the work you have been doing throughout this month for, as you turn your attention to my beloved Shamballa, you will see the actual physical manifestation of your recent attention. It is through your actions this year, beloved ones, that there will be a much greater celebration than usual at the Elemental Harvest for additional results will be shown and offered to our Father-Mother God by your cooperative efforts in restoring the perfection of the physical focus of Shamballa. Your planet is truly blessed by your service to life. 

EL Morya,

Founder and Sponsor of this Activity