The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 38                                                                                           September 22, 1995


Beloved chelas, 

We are all very aware that, through our work over the years, the angelic kingdom has now become a very important part of our planet. These blessed beings have integrated their activities with ours so perfectly at all levels, that people everywhere now recognize their loving presence in their lives. We must now focus our attention upon this same work with the elemental kingdom and we will begin with the physical restoration of Shamballa, for this is the quickest way to introduce and integrate them into your society on a planetary scale. 

If you will recall, in letter Number 36, we called for the assistance of the great beings of the elemental kingdom in general. This week we shall acknowledge and call forth specific masters of the elements. It has been said over the years that the beings of the elements were created to serve mankind. I would now like to expand this understanding; they were created to co-serve with mankind in all endeavors, as equals, rather than as subservient to man. The Earth was beautiful in the beginning when first created. It was only when mankind chose to try to take total control of all life, including the elemental kingdom, that chaos ensued and the negative aspects of the nature kingdom came forth. The elementals then began to outpicture the discord and lack of harmony which surrounded them, and, beloved ones, this negativity must be corrected - transmuted and purified - before the perfection of this planet can truly manifest. 

To assist in bringing forth this perfection once again, we will begin with the physical vehicle of Shamballa, this week using a decree specifically created with the elemental kingdom in mind. 

In the name of the Presence of God I AM in all life, we make this call to the entire elemental kingdom, from the tiniest, light-filled intelligence to the greatest builders of form in all their perfection. MANIFEST NOW within, upon, and around Shamballa at the physical level! OUTPICTURE for us the perfect love, peace, and brotherhood which exists among all chelas at inner levels, until we RECOGNIZE and REALIZE the truth of this concept, not only for Shamballa but also for ourselves. 

Especially now we call upon beloved Hellos and Vesta and the salamanders of the fire; beloved Thor and Aries and the sylphs of the air; beloved Neptune and Lunara and the undines of the water; beloved Pelleur and Virgo and the gnomes of the Earth: We invoke your mighty presence and assistance to return Shamballa to the perfection she once knew! 

Mighty Beings of the elemental kingdom, keep our calls sustained and ever expanding without limit, as God's most holy name, I AM. So be it, beloved I AM! 

Beloved ones feel the power and the love that fills your beings, even as you make this call every day during this coming week. Feel the sacred fire of love, transmutation, and freedom transforming the physical vehicle of Shamballa right now, as united in service with the three kingdoms of expression this sacred focus becomes a blazing cathedral of living light. 

My love and blessings for your service,

I AM Ĉolus





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