The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 18, Number 14                                                                                                 April 5, 1996


Beloved co-servers, 

Relax in my loving embrace for a few moments and visualize within your mind's eye a very beautiful and serene lake. As your concentration deepens you find yourself walking along the water's edge, taking in its radiant, royal blue essence and contemplating your life. The quietness of this magnificent place both soothes your spirit and raises the vibratory activity of your four lower vehicles, and you accept into your being the tremendous strength this energy imparts to you. 

Surely this special place reminds you of beloved El Morya and Lady Miriam's intent to manifest the divine will of God in this world; and you are grateful for the opportunity to work with them in this, one of the many great activities of the ages! Every part of life is, consciously or unconsciously, taking part in this work; for God, in all his goodness and grace, chooses to work only through a receptive consciousness. It is sufficient to gaze upon this lake and listen within, for in so doing you will immediately discover the truth of my words. Also, through the process of observing life you shall become even more aware of your environment and the role the blessed elementals have played and will continue to play in the ongoing creation of your planet and with this knowledge you will continue to expand your consciousness, reaching out to them in understanding, love and compassion. 

Beloved chelas, as you have actively participated in this visualization, it is my hope that you have benefited from it. Perhaps you received some very new and exciting ideas or expanded your understanding of many concepts that are already very familiar to you. Remember that the process of visualization employs the principle of attention, allowing you to more efficaciously use your mental and emotional bodies. The more you are able to focus your attention or concentrate upon a specific pattern or thoughtform, the more successful will be your endeavor, providing that your intent and purpose remains pure. 

As you often call upon the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love, you must not only remember to visualize, but actually feel the activity of transmutation taking place within and around you. See yourself free from anything that still holds you back. Allow yourself to become what it is you truly yearn to be with poise, love, understanding, happiness and joy! In this way, the old patterns previously stored deep within your etheric body can now be purified and you are free to choose and accept into your life new and perfect thoughtforms. This is your responsibility in this life beloved ones and you must eventually perform this task throughout your lower bodies in order to attain mastery of your being; and remember as you do, we shall always be here to support and assist you every step of the way! 

During the next seven day cycle, through the power of visualization, practice seeing yourself as you would like to be. Whenever you discover something that needs improvement within yourself, call upon the Law of Forgiveness and blaze the Violet Fire in, through, and around you. If you so desire you may also use the following statement, which has been cherished and used by many chelas over the years: Blazing in, through, and around my four lower vehicles, the full momentum of the Violet Transmuting Flame, the most powerful aspect of love, instantly transmutes all outstanding energy back into perfection. *I AM AT PERFECT PEACE! (*3X) 

Then, centered within this state of perfect peace visualize yourself resolving each one of your life situations exactly as your God Presence inspires you, through the inner ability of listening to the Master within, your own Holy Christ Self! Know, beloved ones, that as you accomplish this work, you are being raised ever higher by the wings of the mighty Ascension Flame; and we rejoice in your progress! 

Your brother in the light, Serapis Bey








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