The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 18, Number 32                                                                                                          August 9, 1996


Beloved friends, 

The dedicated service of light and love you provide for Shamballa every Wednesday is greatly appreciated and gratefully accepted by every member of the Spiritual Hierarchy! Each time you quiet your being and consciously prepare yourself to work in co-service with us, it is my hope that you also feel great joy and happiness as you recognize your own importance in this work. As you fulfill my request, according to cosmic law, you are fine tuning your consciousness, and thus your entire being, to the rhythmic blessings that flow daily into the atmosphere of Earth from many cosmic messengers from the Great Central Sun and beyond. How grateful they are in finding that there exists in embodiment luminous beings who have chosen to be a chalice through which God's gifts can flow to bless the physical plane of Earth. 

As you strengthen your connection with the planetary Body of Light, do you not feel a much more powerful surge of pure cosmic energy radiating forth from it? It is not only our God qualified electronic light substance directed into the Earth, but also the light and love of the many lifestreams who join in this service by raising their consciousness to the purified level of the Body of Light. Every day there are those who awaken and see the three-fold flame within their hearts blazing forth more brilliantly than ever before, which in turn, sheds more light onto the shadows of human creation. 

This bridge of eternal flames that exist between the inner realms and the physical plane in which you presently dwell is well established. However, its firm anchorage must be maintained by the God energy given and accepted by you and us as well! Together we are the builders of the New and Permanent Golden Age, and through our combined endeavors and efforts we must sustain the mighty bridge of consciousness thus formed. 

Over years of service, you have experienced and learned how wonderful it is to walk, talk and work with us, and this is the divine heritage of spiritual freedom for all the people on your planet. 

As always, Keep on keeping on, and your joy in service to life shall increase a thousand fold and so shall your blessings! 

Your eternal friend, El Morya






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