The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 18, Number 20                                                                                                                        May 17, 1996


Beloved chelas, 

As you are already aware, there are three major kingdoms of expression on Earth: angels, elementals, and mankind. For several hundred years mankind has accepted and worked primarily with the Angelic Kingdom. The time has now come when people everywhere must consciously choose to work much more closely with the Elemental Kingdom to bring forth the full manifestation of the wonderful gifts and energies of these magnificent lifeforms and balance to this planet. 

Mankind, with the gift of free will choice, is the most multidimensional lifeform on Earth, and must serve as the bridge between the kingdoms. With your assistance, the energies of the angels and elementals will blend and unify perfectly with the energies of the Human Kingdom, bringing forth the reality of the 'Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals, and Mankind'. Herein lies your responsibility, beloved ones, you must respect and revere each and every magnificent life expression of the true nature of God. 

During periods of meditation, take a few moments to thank and bless the elementals, the kingdom of nature, birds, four-footed creatures, and every living thing, for they form the environment in which you live, breath, and evolve. Deeply embedded in the principle of the oneness of life, you must come to love all the many elemental lifeforms in order to fully love your own physical nature to precipitate comfort, healing, peace, and so on in your world and in the world around you. 

For eons of time the angels have brought their blessings to you, but now that you are an awakened being of light, this responsibility also becomes yours. You must consciously recognize what is needed for the good of all, and draw forth the energies and radiation of the angels yourself to attain mastery in the world of form. It is when you can perfectly manifest the energies within and around you that you become a master of your own self, and the Threefold Flame in your heart will at last perfectly balance. 

At that time, the ascension is possible due to your selfless service to life and your equal respect of its many God expressions. The oneness of life then becomes a permanent part of your being, and you are ready to move onto higher service! 

Beloved ones, I thank and bless you for your ongoing work of raising your being to a higher expression of the God Presence, I AM!

Your teacher of divine principles, Serapis Bey








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