The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 19, Number 8                                                                                                            February 21, 1997


Dear chelas,

This week let us work with the quality of expectation. This word in and of itself has in the past and continues to create tremendous mistrust and disease within your four lower vehicles. How many times has the pain of not receiving what you felt was due you entered your mind? How often has sadness filled your physical body and caused illness, no matter how small, when things didn't appear to work out as you expected them to? Have there been times in your life when what was taking place around you caused your emotional body to be thrown into chaos and your feeling world shut down? How many times has your etheric body been imprinted with the way you thought something should be as you looked at a situation in your life and judged it, either consciously or not? If you were able to answer yes to at least one of these questions, then you need to look at how expectation has affected your lower bodies and work to heal these areas in your life. It is time to let go of and no longer accept this quality your human ego uses so often to misguide you on your forward path toward enlightenment and spiritual freedom. 

You must learn once again to not expect anything from any person, place, condition, situation or thing in your life having full faith that however your life is manifesting it is perfect for your individual learning experience. You must come to trust and know, without a doubt of any kind, that everything in your life is in divine order, and live fully in this realization every moment allowing every day to unfold naturally according to your divine plan and that of those around you, as well as your entire planet, no matter what the outer appearances may be. You must also be ready to let go of all negativity that has attached itself to you in any way and diligently work to keep yourself clear of this effluvia and the effect it has on you. 

My dear chelas, don't you understand that it is within the quality of expectation that you come to see your world as imperfect! Right here and right now say to your ego out loud in a strong and powerful voice: Human ego be gone! I no longer accept the many traps and pitfalls you have used throughout my many lifetimes in an attempt to block my spiritual development and keep me from becoming one with God! Say these words again, this time with full conviction. See your Holy Christ Self expanding and becoming one with your lower vehicles. Repeat these words a third time and feel the energy and freedom contained within them now breaking the chains that have bound you for so long, as you rise up into the loving arms of your I AM Presence. Becoming one with this divine part of yourself all the good of everything stored within your causal body and the knowledge it contains now becomes available to you. This is not what you can expect, beloved ones. This is who you truly are! Right here and right now place your attention upon your own divinity and keep it there forever! If you have to use this affirmation daily, hourly or even every minute - do so. 

I believe very quickly you will begin to see the results of your words, for every time you repeat these statements your attention will also focus upon your desire to live your life according to God's Divine Plan, and it is within this pure desire to be healed that your ability to do so will be found. Have a wonderful week, my dear chelas, continuing the process of healing, further manifesting your perfection in the world of form!

Master Hilarion







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