The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 19, Number 2                                                                                                                      January 10, 1997


Beloved students  of God's Light and Love, 

It is a great honor to serve this Activity as the primary authority and instructor for The Shamballa Letter this year. It is my hope that the information I AM able to impart to you will not only bring enlightenment to your lives, but actually change your life by assisting you in seeing your journey through this universe as the wonderful adventure it truly is. My goal for the Letters this year is manifold, but know that throughout this process I AM privileged to direct, you will begin to observe tremendous healing taking place within and around you. 

The first quarter of this year shall be devoted primarily to personal healing; during the second quarter, we shall focus our attention upon your immediate families; moving ever outward as we always work, healing of all chelas of this Activity of Light and lightworkers everywhere shall be at the forefront of our service during the third quarter; and finally as we prepare to complete the work of this year, planetary healing will be our primary concern. Please note that the schedule I have described shall be used only as a guideline. Additional teachings may be offered depending upon the need. 

As you look over these tasks, you are probably thinking there is so much work to be done. I say to each one of you now: "You consciously volunteered to come to Earth to serve and this, beloved ones, is exactly what you shall do, especially this year as part of the further fulfillment of your individual and collective divine plans as you work with the magnificent flames of healing and all their many aspects." However, I would also like to remind you: "All that you have ever given and shall continue to give to life shall return to you one day a thousand fold or more!" Remember to hold to this truth, for it shall assist you in times of need just as it has done for me.  

You may ask: "How will this healing take place?" It shall be through the fulfillment of God's Will through the recognition, understanding and acceptance of God's Truths and Divine Principles into your lives. As most of you are aware, beloved Jesus made the following statement so long ago: "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!" This statement remains as true today as it was then. In fact, with the additional knowledge and wisdom coming forth at this time in Earth's evolution, this directive becomes even more important as lifestreams everywhere are beginning to take responsibility for their life energy and searching within for the truth so they can accomplish their life's mission. 

We shall begin this year with the following exercise: I ask that you go back through your memory and find a difficult situation of a personal physical nature that happened in your life. Choose something rather recent so that the memories, thoughts and feelings still remain close to the surface of your consciousness. Ask for healing in this situation even if you feel healing has already taken place. Take some time to put the fullness of your experience down on paper or any other way you prefer so that you may refer back to your notes. Be complete in your account of this experience for you shall be using this information during the next few weeks to delve into additional aspects of the process of healing, for how can you begin to assist in the healing of others at all levels of consciousness if you have no real understanding of the process. 

Until we are able to meet in silent communion once again, may you be surrounded in my love as you come to know my presence and may your life be filled with peace from this day forth. 

Master Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth Ray








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