The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 19, Number 4                                                                                                                  January 24, 1997


Beloved chelas, 

I believe we can all agree that problems of a physical nature, much more often than not, have their origin in some other area of your consciousness. This week, as you work with the sacred flames of mercy and transmutation, your assignment is to attempt to reach down deep to the cause and core of your physical distress. As this can often be a painful process if one is not prepared to do this, I ask that you center yourself firmly within the blue flames of protection and strength and use the violet flames of transmutation and forgiveness before beginning. I also ask you to remember to begin with something small instead of trying to face head-on a major medical crisis in your life; for as you are well aware, the principles you use with something simple will be the same for more difficult situations. 

There may be those of you who believe you are in perfect health and have no experiences with which to work with. I AM sure that if you search your memory, at one time or another, your physical body rebelled no matter how slightly, as you took it for granted, eating the wrong foods, receiving too little or too much nourishment, or over­exerting yourself in one way or another, asking too much from your physical vehicle. Maybe there was a time in your life when, for whatever the reason, you did not allow your physical body to get enough rest to restore your life energy to its proper level. Experiences such as these can also be used in this exercise, and a great deal of healing and truth can be gained through the insights you will receive through work such as this with the Green Flame. 

You may find that no matter how hard you try, you feel that you have not reached the root cause, and I ask that you not be too hard on yourself if this happens. Healing work such as this must come easily. It is not to be forced in any way, for your I AM Presence always knows when you are ready to see, understand and accept the cause of any difficulty within, and you must be ever alert for messages from this all seeing, all knowing integral part of yourself, willing to accept the directives given. If this happens, don't worry, beloved ones, for there will be another time, another opportunity further down your path when you have grown a bit in consciousness! 

Personal healing, like anything else in life, is a process. For everything connected with healing, there is a reason and as you grow spiritually, you will be able to see always further, past the illusions, to the truth. As I have stated before, judgment must never be a part of this process for it will stop any understanding you may be ready to receive. The causes of disease and distress are many and as different as the lifestreams who manifest the conditions. To name but a few simple examples, perhaps it is time for an individual to change their habits of this lifetime, or for that matter many lifetimes, so he or she may come to see the sacredness of life, especially their own. 

Maybe this is an experience one must go through for it was created long ago by a single thought, feeling or action on their part, which finally has come to manifest in their physical body, and must now be dealt with. Of course, there are also those shining spirits who, prior to embodiment, chose to physically manifest a condition to teach divine principle or arouse the attention and support of the masses, to assist in the process of healing others and which, hopefully, will ultimately lead to their own personal healing as well. I could go on and on, but I believe you are beginning to get the idea. 

Good luck this coming week, dear chelas, and may you receive much to assist in your personal healing and many insights into your purpose during this lifetime! 

Master Hilarion, Keeper of the Flame of Truth










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