Free Flowing

New Year’s Conference / January 1, 2003

Beloved of my mind and heart, 

Greetings, blessings and salutations to you and yours on this, the first day of a glorious new year! The opportunities that will be available to you during the coming twelve months will truly be limitless! 

The new era the universe is presently preparing to enter shall be one of “action” beloved ones. It shall be a time to “learn by doing”. No longer will it be necessary for religious leaders to serve as intermediaries for the spiritual needs of humanity. While this has often been tried in the past, the observation has been made that these attempts have done little to raise the vibratory level of the masses. This has also caused far too many of you to become complacent and content within an attitude of in-action and this can no longer be the case if you planet is to continue along its pre-ordained and sacred path.  

However, before the “doing” can even be initiated at least a tiny spark of illumination must come forth from the Divine Mind and anchor in your heartcenter. In all cases, divine seeds must be planted deep within the recesses of your being, beloved ones, so that your actions will be inspired and very little energy will be wasted running here and there looking for direction.  

Tonight a tiny seed pearl will be planted in your ever-evolving consciousness. Over time layers upon layers of divine knowledge, wisdom and illumination will be added, eventually creating a beautiful gemstone which will be added to the crown of your divine accomplishments. Then, no longer will the focus of your attention need to be placed upon the specific locations of the many temples and retreats you have worked with up to this point in time. No longer is it necessary to define the position, physical structure or activities that take place in these sites. Instead, centered within the sacred fire, you will soon easily be able to quickly raise your vibrations and fully enter a much higher level of energy and consciousness.  

A relatively simple way to begin this process is to connect only with the Light. Through the power of the holy breath focus your attention upon the sun, beyond the sun, beyond the sun.  Now, with every breath and heartbeat, begin to see within your mind’s eye the physical manifestation of the Light. See the Light...Feel the Light... Manifest the Light on the physical plane of existence... Observe the sacred flames of divinity burning brightly before you... Now, draw the divine qualities contained within them deep into your being until there is no more separation between you and the Light. Become so fully enfolded and immersed in the flames that the only thing you can discern is the Light. It is all light: radiating--expanding--evolving--Light and you are this Light...The Light of the world!  

Whether you desire to accept this reality or not beloved ones, your vibrations have already been accelerated and raised to the point where you may, if you so choose, become aware of and fully cognizant to your oneness with the All Pervading Light of the Universe--the Great I AM THAT I AM. In so doing you must also consciously choose to take full responsibility for every ounce of  every electron of energy you have ever sent forth or used to maintain your physicality on this earth plane, further enhancing your direct connection with the heart and mind of the Universal Presence of God. 

Now, that long lived illusion you clung to before, where you went through those who serve in the higher realms of Light to act on your behalf in directly connecting with Divine Consciousness must now be realized for what it was--a tool and nothing more--and it must be relinquished tonight, once and for all! And as you well know this can and will be accomplished through the use of the sacred fire, the living body of your Mother-Father God, I AM THAT I AM! 

For this reason the time has come when the entire ascended Host of Light will appear to step back, taking a more silent and enfolding role in your lives and the lives of all your sisters and brothers in the human family. However, the truth may now be known. These great beings of Light are actually one with the Light of Divine Consciousness! In the raising of your vibrations you may now join your energies directly with this Universal Energy, truly becoming one, possibly for the very first time in your evolution since you originally went forth from my heart and began your spiritual journey back home! 

Blessed chelas, as you now begin to bask in the fullness of your expanded Christ Consciousness, taking ever increasing responsibility in your relationship with the divine, you shall continue to be supported by an invisible, silent and greatly expanded alliance at a much more informal and direct level, communicating instantly with your hearts and minds to the divine Light of Universal Consciousness.  

The time has come for you to go forth with my blessings beloved ones and do great things for all life on your planet! As you do I shall always be available to teach and encourage you as you walk your individual and collective paths. Whenever required you may draw from me all that you need until you, yourself are able to fully recognize your own true gifts, power, and abilities.

In so doing, you will also become even more fully accountable for your own use of life energy and your part in the universal plan--reunion with me, the Great I AM THAT I AM. Until then as many so close to you have often said over the years: “Keep on Keeping on.” for “All is well. All is very, very well!”


I AM that I AM!




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