Excerpts from an Address by



July 1954



Beloved children of light, I Am a very good friend of yours.

Some of you came at the call of Helios and Vesta or other Authorities of the universe to this planet from time to time as crises arose wherein there was the need and requirement for greater light and assistance. Some of you I met at the periphery of the aura of this Earth and said: "Blessed ones, in the name of God and in the name of your life, I give to you liberty to act in this Universe and liberty to draw the primal substance and energy of life to further the evolution of this planet which you have come to serve."


Thus, was the Cosmic Law fulfilled through my consciousness. Every God Being, Deva, Cosmic Master, Angel and Ascended Being who has responded to some call on behalf of the evolutions of the planet Earth, receive liberty of action through my Presence. I Am also a friend of the lifestreams. drawn forth from the heart of the Universal First Cause, who had their first self-conscious being in this Universe. As the spirit-sparks from the heart of the God-Mother and Father first awakened as individualized beings and became cognizant of life and existence, it was my great privilege to stand by each such newly formed conscious focus and say: "Beloved, you are now at liberty to draw on primal life and to utilize that life according to freewill. Design for yourself the glories of the Causal Body. Prepare yourself for incarnation. Weave into the substance and energy of any Sphere the pattern of your own God-intelligence and that portion of the Divine Will which you in yourself will magnetize and choose to externalize."


Liberty, like Opportunity, is a Cosmic Virtue which requires great discrimination, both on the part of the one invoking it and on the part of the one utilizing that gift. When you take the liberty of using life, that life in its essence responds to the direction of your thoughts and feelings and becomes form. When you are given liberty to function cosmically or humanly, your freewill choice weaves either a pattern of light and life or a portion of the shroud of death for the planet, as well as for the individual.


Therefore, if you seek liberty of action through the development of your higher senses and through the capacity to function within the freedom of your etheric bodies, remember what you do with that liberty will become your Karma-good or otherwise. Your sins of omission and sins of commission will be measured by the amount of liberty you are given to function in any Sphere.


As Opportunity stands at every door and is so often ignored, so is Liberty utilized ofttimes for the enjoyment of the senses. As you know, the word "libertine" describes one who misuses life and, through free will, distorts that primal essence.


First you receive life, beloved hearts. Then you receive liberty. Wise is the man who pursues the course of Godliness. Those who are interpreting the laws of your nation, pursuing what they call happiness, are not always in full accord with the triple activity of the Cosmos. Through the outer self, man does not always know what will yield happiness. He feels that the satisfaction of the senses, the accumulation of wealth, the freedom from the "curse of Cain," (earning his bread by the sweat of his brow) or any one of a number of ephemeral visions, will result in happiness. The only lasting happiness there is, is in agreement with the Divine Plan of the Universal First Cause. Happiness results in complete and absolute surrender of the outer ego to the fulfillment of the Divine Plan and the consecration of life to the weaving out of the substance and energy of the individual world, a portion of that Divine Plan, which is the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.


Today, you stand at the door of Opportunity. Today you have received into your individual consciousness a great wealth of the life of the Cosmic Beings and Powers that dwell, for the most part, in the Heart of the Silence. You are at complete liberty to use life (this consecrated, dedicated and hallowed life) as you will; to pursue your individual course and to weave what you desire out of the substance and energy of your world, under the direction of your own freewill.


At the time when the Sun of our System chose to create a Universe, twelve great Beings volunteered to embody the Twelve-fold Nature of the Sun God and to become foci of the mighty Virtues in the Electronic Belt around the Sun. I was one of those. Our relationship to the Sun is to specialize in magnetizing, concentrating and radiating one of the particular God Virtues. All Twelve Virtues are embodied within the consciousness and nature of Helios and Vesta. That Virtue which I have chosen to magnetize, to concentrate and to direct, is the Virtue of Liberty.


The original zodiac referred to these twelve Cosmic Temples or houses from which each one of us who represent the twelve virtues of the Godhead direct our blessings earthward. Our radiation pours forth rays of light into the universe like those from the Sun itself. As the planets, circle the Sun in orderly sequence, the concentrated radiation and power of each one of the Twelve Virtues is intensified for a period of thirty or thirty-one days while the planet is within the Temple of a particular concentrated ray. Knowledge of the true zodiac has been distorted. The consciousness of mankind has created those symbols which are not true expressions of our foci. I Am one (the Virtue of Liberty) who was fortunate enough to remain in the outer memory of mankind. During the month when the consciousness of mankind is focused upon Libra, the consciousness, radiation and power of liberty flows through the Earth and nourishes the Liberty Flame within the soul and inner self of all mankind.


As the Earth passes around the Sun in the course of the twelve months for every thirty day period, one of the mighty virtues plays upon the planet and through the inner bodies of her people. When the original Cosmic zodiac again comes forth and the law allows, those of you who are wise, giving attention to the outpouring of that Cosmic Virtue can-within yourselves magnetize Liberty, Truth or Purity within whatever House the planet rests.


I touch upon this only briefly because the beloved Maha Chohan and the Powers feel it is not yet time to release to the outer mind another series of beneficent radiations until your capacity has been increased to accept several distinct outpourings at once. For the moment, it is sufficient for you to concentrate upon the outpouring of the Retreat that is active. Even then you have touched but the fringe of the concentrated power and blessings that flow from that Retreat into your inner bodies and your world. In time, however, through the stilling of your vehicles and the centering of the Presence within your hearts as you learn to sense that which the Retreat can give you; as you sense your ability to magnetize the Brother or Sister from within the Retreat, who will be your personal Protector and Teacher in that period; then you will become a radiating center of the gifts of the Retreat which is active in that period, through your own sphere of influence or your group activity. Again, you are at liberty to turn your attention to that Retreat every free moment while it is active. You are at liberty to participate nightly in the transmission of the flame around the world through the concentration, attention and rhythmic breathing. You are at liberty to invoke from the heart of the Retreat the specific radiation and gifts which are theirs to give. You have not fully accepted my gift of Liberty because, though you have the liberty to do so, you are not availing yourselves of that which is presently provided for your development and maturity.


At the time when mankind was ready for embodiment, I was given the office of consecrating each lifestream chosen and dedicated by the Manu. Before entering physical birth, the consciousness of the soul at inner levels was charged with my words; "You are at liberty, beloved, to take pure and primal life into the Earth plane. You are at liberty, beloved, to utilize life as you will in the physical appearance world. You are at liberty, beloved, to call upon any and all of us as you may choose, to assist you when the momentums and energies of your own worlds seem not sufficient to handle conditions and to radiate the life to fulfill your Divine Plan." Without exception, every man has remembered he has the liberty to use life. Many have forgotten that they have equal liberty to call upon the Sun of the System or any God Being. I come this morning to bring to your remembrance that the liberty to call upon us, is yours.


As the Earth plane grew dense and the Karmic Board was established, I, as Spokesman, had the opportunity to give the final word for each lifestream chosen to incarnate in the twelve months and to say: "You are at liberty now to take embodiment". This is one reason why I have held that office for so long. Then through the mercy of the Cosmic Law, the beloved Kwan Yin prepared for the coming of Opportunity. Now Opportunity sits upon the Karmic Throne as the Head of the Karmic Council. Even more severe is the individual initiation of developing your own perception that you may use Opportunity well and weave for yourselves garments of Immortality.


The Karmic Board has asked me to convey to you the blessings of the collective Body for your deep and sincere interest in mankind. They have asked me, further, to say that the up reaching of your love (which has emitted a perfume as well as radiating exquisite colors of soft blue and soft pink) , has touched them deeply. You see, the Karmic Board has not been accustomed to receiving gentle radiation, adoration and devotion for many ages. They have asked me to say that they have accepted your energies in payment for the pledge of the beloved Master Morya. They have accepted your energies in consideration of your motive and each of them has amplified those energies by their own personal Causal Bodies returning them to you in blessing. You know that Mercy is the embodiment of the Cosmic Law.


These great dispensations that have been invoked by the Cosmic Beings and by the Ascended Masters have met with considerable favor because a group of unascended beings has shown interest in impersonal service on behalf of life. Although the service rendered has not reached its ultimate maximum, the motive within your hearts to give of your best has been the measure of our decision. The service which you have volunteered to render can be expanded in the future through your local sanctuaries and groups, each according to your own concept of what is right.


The law as given has been understood by some. Each of you now is at liberty to use that law to magnetize the powers of the Sacred Fire to vitalize your own forcefields and to become and to remain conductors of the Cosmic and the Ascended Master Beings whom you may choose to invite. Through your calls these will work in the inner realms, removing particularly the pressures of psychic or astral creations. Remember, it is not the human will, not the physical energies alone, but the combination of your mental pictures and your feelings that provides the conductor. The qualified Sacred Fire which is the primal life drawn and utilized for centuries by God-free Beings, then can be channeled through your forcefield for the blessing of life. Through free will, you have the opportunity to give liberty to the God Beings to use you as themselves, or to withhold that liberty. Think well before you make that offer!


You who are willing to say to us: "You have full liberty to function through our minds, our feelings, our etheric bodies and our flesh"-to you I speak! The Cosmic Law does not allow liberty of action except through the vehicles functioning in any sphere. Those lifestreams who represent liberty upon this Earth plane today are those who in courtesy, of free-will choice have said to the great Saint Germain or to others of the Ascended Hosts; "You are at liberty now to use me as yourself". Those of you who choose to enter into your local activities and give us that same liberty of action will find that we will respond beyond your greatest expectations through the open door of your free-will. When you give a guest liberty to use your home, you kindly afford them the courtesy that is within that liberty to develop their own happiness and gifts. When you give the invitation to us to act with liberty within your sphere of influence in your world, I hope you will give us the same courtesy that we may function freely. Remember that we who are God-free, the embodiment of courtesy, the embodiment of honor, will never take liberties with your kindness. Then those of you who choose to give liberty of access to the God Beings will begin to feel the pressures of our Cosmic Flames which, will bless mankind at large, through you and your groups.


One day, in the not too far distant future, I shall have opportunity again to render the service I love most-the service that is the greatest happiness that has been afforded me by the Source of life. I shall be permitted to stand by your side and say; "Child of God, you are at liberty to come Home, never to go out again". Beloved live for that day!


Thank you. Good morning.








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