Beloved El Morya Presents



(Note: May we kindly suggest, gentle reader, that you pause for just a few moments both before and after reading each of the following short addresses. Hold the attention upon each one who has spoken and endeavor to consciously accept and feel their outpouring to you. Then call for this gift of their love to be eternally sustained, all-powerfully active and ever-expanding within you and your world, until you are wholly ascended and free. If you will do this, you will have tremendous benefit from it. Thank you!)

Beloved El Morya: Greetings, beloved ladies and gentlemen, friends of Light and friends of Freedom! It is my great honor to present to you today those three Great Beings who have passed the "Initiation of Readiness" for greater service to life, Sanat Kumara, released to return to Venus, his planetary home; the NEW Lord of the World (Gautama) and the NEW Buddha (who was previously known as Lord Maitreya). 

The outpouring and radiation of this triple activity already has been given at the Royal Teton Conclave which is now in progress. However, because of your sincere interest in Sanat Kumara's freedom from the Earth after so many ages of voluntary exile here and because of the fact that so much of this Solar Initiation was made possible by your individual and collective calls, I asked permission to present these Beings to you this morning, together with the tremendous radiation which they bring. As you can see, I was given acquiescence for such a presentation… 

"Readiness" so essential

I would like to point out to you today that, in the presentation of these three Great Beings, the most important aspect of their consciousness (and that which really enabled Sanat Kumara's freedom to take place) was their readiness; even before they were called to fulfill a greater office. In other words, both Gautama (the NEW Lord of the World) and Lord Maitreya (the NEW Buddha), prepared ahead in certain expansions of their consciousness and Causal Bodies at Cosmic Levels, so that they were ready at this time, even though we had been given a longer period of time in which to accomplish this release of Sanat Kumara. 

I would like to point out also another phase of the Activity of the Spiritual Brotherhood and that is the absolute joy which they experience in giving assistance to those on the Ladder of Evolution below them in their service. So, should it be with you who serve with us in this octave, it should be your greatest joy to assist those you contact to attain the highest development of their good and expand their own light, even though their achievements in this respect may surpass your own! 

Now, the nature of the New Lord of the World is such that he does not care to perform ceremony. As you know, Gautama is a naturally meditative, contemplative type of lifestream. Lord Maitreya, coming into the Office of the Buddha has agreed to help the NEW Lord of the World in ceremonial activities, thus proving his love by offering his service where it is required. The NEW Buddha (your Lord Maitreya) also extends his hand to Jesus and Kuthumi, helping them to expand their service as they jointly assume the Office of World Teacher, which office was formerly held by Lord Maitreya himself. It is all done in the greatest joy and the most magnificent loving co-operation, with no thought of anything but the complete and quickest possible freedom of this planet and its evolutions, in the Earth, on the Earth and in its atmosphere. 

Now, may I present to you that Great Being who, for millions of years, sustained the place of Earth in the Solar System and your place, your soul-light, upon this Earth, our Lord, Sanat Kumara! 

Sanat Kumara Speaks

Beloved Children of the One Almighty God! I come to you today, bringing you the gift of love from my heart, love that enabled me to enjoy every moment while I was with your dear Earth; love that is justified now as this planet becomes a Freedom Star; love that is now manifest in giving me freedom allowing me to return, even for a short sojourn, to my own planet Venus. Blessed ones, I LOVE YOU! 

You know, you and I are old, old friends! Even though your outer consciousness may not remember it all. In some literature (in your own Bible, for instance) I have been spoken of as the "Ancient of Days". Together we have worked at Inner Levels. Sometimes your entrance into Shamballa was in your finer bodies at night, bringing with you certain problems upon which you desired more light and assistance for their solving in your waking state. Your coming so made my heart fill with a great compassion for your earnest endeavors on behalf of Earth's evolutions which you have vowed to guard and guide as Spirits from other Suns and other Systems. Sometimes, at the close of an Earth life, after you had cast aside your flesh garment and you had walked over the marble bridge into Shamballa, I would watch you as you would step into one of the lesser Temples. Somehow or other you did not care to bring direct to me your small harvest which, before you took embodiment, you had sworn so joyously to bring with you in abundant proportions, if you were given such an opportunity of embodiment and special sanction which it is my (or was, rather) my service to give. 

Then, gradually, by the magnetic power of my love, I would coax you from behind some pillar or statue or from under some tree and slowly you would come back into my gentle Presence. Don't you remember it? O, then those seeming failures and mistakes were as nothing! We would smile at each other and I would tell you that you could try again. Then you would go out on wings of light, relieved in spirit and better able to enjoy your brief sojourn in Elysian fields. 

Sooner or later, I would have word that another great spirit was ready to embark on a journey back into physical embodiment on Earth, in an endeavor to raise the planet into greater light and there you would be again, girded anew with fresh strength, courage and vitality from your Masters; from the contact with the Angels; from the use of the Sacred Fire of Purification at Inner Levels. Again, would come my benediction, sanctification and the ordination of your lifestream. We have experienced that, you and I, many times in the past. 

This morning, I truly come with love in my heart, thinking of what your NEW Buddha has said "You have really done your best"! O, what a beautiful "best" that has been for me! You know, long, long ago, when the Conclave of the Suns of the System decided to dissolve the planet Earth because of the intensity of her shadows created by the degradation into which her people had fallen, I, too, was a Volunteer. I was filled with enthusiasm and fervor in my desire to render the service to this dear Earth which would prevent such dissolution and hold for her. Her rightful and God-ordained place in our Solar System. Upon my return home to Venus from that Conclave, my feelings were so evident (I did not even speak about them) that finally, my beloved Venus said: "Why don't you go?" We were, of course, always in the most magnificent accord and so I smiled and said: "Thank you! I shall!" 

I then prepared for my journey earthward, but I never dreamed it would be such a long one. Through the establishment of the Great White Brotherhood I had hoped that the journey back to Venus would have transpired long ago. Yet, while the need remained; while the planet was in danger; while its evolutions, particularly the "spirit sparks" within the ten million people belonging to this planet were apt to be completely snuffed out by the maya of human creation, I loved serving here. 

Then, recently, at the Royal Teton Conclave in January of this year, I was surprised to be told that my freedom was at hand. I was told that the Earth had passed the "danger zone" sufficiently; that enough purification had taken place in her atmosphere and among her people; that enough unascended lifestreams were interested in continuing service to this end and that Lord Gautama had prepared himself sufficiently to be able to take my place as Lord of the world so that I might return home – HOME to Venus, to my people. O, my God, the gratitude which is within my heart for each and all of you who have made that possible! 

Can you imagine my gratitude also to the Beloved Gautama who had prepared himself ahead of time so that he might be ready to assume the duties of my Office when I should be free? His love and light had expanded his Causal Body until it was of sufficient size and intensity to match my own. As you have been told, when our two Causal Bodies met, it was like the coming together in perfect alignment of the two halves of an orange. Knowing this, I was in supreme peace during my short stay on Venus. May I say that, since then, I have not been back to Venus, yet now O, the joy of that freedom, knowing that I may come and I may go! I leave with you today my personal blessings upon all who have made this possible! Will you now, beloved ones, honor Lord Gautama? Accept his radiation to you of victorious love and peace, his consciousness of "The Middle Way" which he brings to you today. 

Lord Gautama Speaks

Today I bring to you the feeling and substance of peace which has been my atmosphere for eons of time! If you will accept it, that peace shall become for you a permanent part of your world for, as your Master Jesus has said: "I give not as the world gives". That which is the light and love of any Member of the Ascended Host and which is consciously given to unascended beings, is a permanent radiating power-center, anchored within the feelings, the mind, the etheric substance and the outer flesh structure. This gift, if accepted by your feelings as reality, can be activated and expanded at any moment, just as you confidently turn a switch upon an electric fan and set it into motion. 

When unascended mankind is raised to certain heights of illumination and peace in communal gatherings from time to time or, in the presence of a Master during an address, why do such individuals feel that the peace and uplift then received are only temporary accelerations and that the form of the speaker or the spoken word of the Master is essential for their continued activity within the bodies in which they are encased? Even among your unascended mankind (which I have not personally contacted for a great many ages, except on rare occasions) do you give a gift today and snatch it back tomorrow? When an Ascended Being gives you a feeling and blessing of radiation, that is a living activity in your world, an actual part of the Master's substance and consciousness. This feeling you can recall at will and again suffuse your world with it at a moment's notice. However, the gifts which are not seen are not so much cherished among mankind, such as the gift of our light, our feelings and our power of accomplishment. We find that as soon as the individual returns to his own orbit, particularly if such an one is not right within an active heart center or some active Sanctuary, that the gifts given slip away from the conscious memory of such an individual by lack of use. 

I taught in India many hundreds of years ago, as you know. This year, nearly all of India chooses to recognize and honor my teachings, although 2,500 years ago only a few dusty monks and many curious passers-by were interested. I know what it is to have walked the Earth seeing human distress and, because of that, by deliberate conscious endeavor, I pierced through every one of the Seven Spheres of higher consciousness in an endeavor to find the Holy Truth of Life, obedience to the Laws of which would not only alleviate but completely remove and prevent the recurrence of such distress in the future. Having achieved my goal, having found that Truth, I then renounced my God-given right to stay there and voluntarily returned to Earth to resuscitate an almost totally incapacitated body which had been neglected during the years – YEARS which I spent in my journey toward knowing the Ultimate! Now, 2,500 years after my experience, there are Shrines built and one of the largest religious Orders of the world bears the name of "The Buddhists". However, all this was not done in a day! 

I speak to you today for the first time in my official capacity as the Lord of the World, Lord of the planet Earth. This makes me very humble, very grateful and makes me desirous of expanding more and more Divine Love until all your endeavors are crowned with God-success. 

Perhaps I shall not be a spectacular "Lord of the World" but I shall be a loving one! I think there is not one sincere heart within this room today who does not feel my personal Ray anchored within his or her heart, carrying my love to you for you are the hope of the Hierarchy, as well as of the Earth and its people. 

And now to my Successor, Beloved Lord Maitreya - the NEW Buddha! 

The NEW Buddha (Lord Maitreya) Speaks

Beloved ones, I bring to you today the deepest and most sincere blessings of the Buddha's radiation which it is my great privilege and honor now to direct to, through and around the atmosphere of Earth and her evolutions, as I humbly enter into the Office of my great Teacher, Gautama, and learn each day more of the feeling of pure and absolute love. 

May I say that, in the outer mind, you sometimes wonder if there is an ultimate to any feeling in the Ascended Masters' Realm. Well, I can speak for myself and those with whom I have been in association there is no ultimate that we have ever found! In my Office as World Teacher, guiding, guarding and protecting each new religion as it has come into being, wherever possible developing and expanding the Christ-nature within the human hearts of all belonging to Earth's evolutions and her "Guardian Spirits", I thought I knew love! But, the moment that I stepped into the atmosphere and responsibilities of the Buddha's radiation, I think I realized more fully than ever before that there is no ultimate to that feeling. I am convinced in my heart that even Alpha and Omega (God and Goddess of our Great Central Sun) and the Sun Gods and Goddesses above them shall continue to externalize and experience that acceleration of Divine love, joy, faith, peace and all the other God-virtues and that even the Supreme Source behind every Galaxy is, in itself, a constant expansion of those God-virtues and feelings which we so much desire to give to you. 

When your great guest, Sanat Kumara, first came earthward so many ages ago, he had in mind the awakening of the consciousness of some individuals upon this Earth who had become part of its evolutions from other planets or were among those who were naturally inhabitants of the Earth. Through the magnetic power of his Divine Love, he began to draw toward him, at first, the finer bodies of lifestreams who wanted to find their way back to Godliness; to Godly feelings; to Godly thoughts and Godly expressions. As the moth is drawn toward the Flame, so are the souls of those whose prayer-force, thought and feeling desire Godly things drawn toward Beings at Inner Levels who can give them assistance. So, along the current of our own prayer-force, our contemplations, our various spiritual practices (although we were in embodiment at very different parts of the Earth at the time), the Beloved Gautama and I often met together before Sanat Kumara. We formed a spiritual alliance in our inner bodies and, as we watched the Beloved Sanat Kumara's great outpouring of Divine Love (the only thing, mind you, with which he had to work to preserve our planet!) We came one day to a realization that the Great Lord of the World desired a New Buddha. Both Gautama and myself then offered to prepare ourselves for that Initiation. This we did, through many ages of study, contemplations and disciplines. Most of you are familiar with the story that, at the end of the long initiations, Beloved Gautama excelled me in his radiation of love and light and I was grateful! I was one of the most joyous of those present at his "vesting-time" (ordination) and I have been one of his greatest admirers and students ever since! Whenever time and opportunity allowed me to take my attention away temporarily from my service as World Teacher, I have spent that time in loving him. I honestly think, beloved ones, that it was my love for him which drew so much of his radiation into my own world that it has enabled me to be ready to assume his office today. Consciously, I did not prepare for Buddhahood at this moment, yet I was told I was ready! 

I am serving yet, as you know, with Holy Jesus and Blessed Kuthumi who are, of course, just "breaking in" on the tremendous task of being World Teacher. Each of them now has seven candidates preparing for the Chohanships of the Second and Sixth Rays which eventually will be vacated by them as they proceed together to fill the Office of World Teacher, previously occupied by myself. Kuthumi and Jesus are personally working with those potential Chohans to develop them for that service and, of course, in time two of these will excel above the others and assume those positions. Meanwhile, all the assistance of the World Teacher is to be focused upon Saint Germain's New Activity but, at present, Jesus and Kuthumi's forces are divided to a degree. While they are working to pour the radiation of World Teacher to the New Activity of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, they are also assisting in the development of the candidates who will replace them as Chohans of their respective Rays. I, in turn, am working with Jesus and Kuthumi and I am also sustaining the Cosmic radiation of the Buddha's rates of vibration. I am also serving with the great Gautama who does not enjoy processionals or ceremonial activities. So, you see, if you think you are busy here below, we, too, are busy here above. 

This morning, I would like to give each and every one of you, our Blessings. In the name of life, I thank you!






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