The very first activity which caused every Intelligence to come into being is based upon the Truth that the Father-Mother God gave from themselves a portion of their Immortal, Victorious Threefold Flame to create another self-conscious Intelligence. Then, also, as the very first activity of the elemental light-substance was to give of itself to create around that Flame a shining electronic Presence, it follows through into every Sphere in which the lifestream of that Intelligence abides, that giving of life, (which is energy, substance and virtue) are not only the inherent nature of such Intelligences, but an absolutely necessary activity for survival! 

Should a consciousness ever refuse to give of itself, it would thus contradict the Law of its God-parents. Then, sooner or later, some other intelligence willing to so give would be found to take the place of that original faucet of expression, through which such Heavenly Parents could continue their process of giving life and Its benefactions to bless the various Spheres and Planets in which such requirements of externalized God-gifts are most needed to fulfill the Divine Plan. 

When some (unascended) intelligence, through free-will, decides not to fulfill his purpose for being (that is, to be a channel through which the God-parents, Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings and Angelic Host may pour their benedictions), he thus voluntarily shuts himself off from the natural joy of giving, which activity is really his spiritual vitality and reason for being! 

The Universal "I AM" Presence lives but to give! Mankind should take note of that fact and begin to emulate the perfect expression of the giving of his own energies, in the release of his talents, powers and substance in order to enjoy life, rather than experience a mere existence in the physical appearance world or even beyond the veil called "death". 


Most unascended lifestreams, mainly because of the fear of experiencing lack and limitation, have lost their interest in giving of themselves to life impersonally. Thus much of their spiritual consciousness just "shrivels up", because the tendency to withhold the gifts of their life is not the natural expression of their Divine nature. 

At this Holy Season, we are asked to bring to your attention the unalterable Truth that a man enriches and renews himself, emotionally, mentally, etherically and physically, by giving of his talents, gifts and powers to his fellowman for their greater blessing which gifts and talents have been vested in him by his God-parents and the Divine Hosts of Heaven. Giving does not necessarily mean the exchange of the substance of this world's goods, but there is no individual belonging to this Earth's evolutions who has not, in his or her Causal Body, certain momentums of good which can and should be released NOW right here, into this physical appearance world, to give assistance in the redemptive process of the Earth and her evolutions. "Holding back" these gifts, virtues and powers is a serious karmic offense of omission, for which every individual lifestream must account one day before the Karmic Board. 


Let me assure you that no Root Manu would allow embodiment at any time into the race of which he was in charge, to any individual who already had not built certain constructive momentums into his Causal Body. These can and should be used NOW for the impersonal benefaction of the evolutions to which he has voluntarily dedicated his life and energies. We are speaking only of the Earth at this time in order to make your scope of study more comprehensive to the outer consciousness. 

Therefore, each one of you, dear gentle readers, has been accepted into Earth's evolutions by some Root Manu because you already have gathered momentums of virtues and powers which the Earth's people require. The giving of these momentums of good for the impersonal benefaction of the race is to follow the example of our Beloved Brother Jesus, who lived only to bring the gifts of healing, inspiration, peace and understanding, impersonally, to all who would accept his blessing. 

His Guru, Lord Maitreya (now the New Buddha) used Beloved Jesus' Causal Body as a channel through which to allow to flow Cosmic Christ gifts into the lower planes of consciousness where the mass of mankind dwell upon this Planet, during embodiment, as well as between embodiments. So also does your Ascended Master Guru desire to use your Causal Body as a channel not only through which may flow your own momentums of good but as a channel for the greater Cosmic momentums of perfection to flow into the atmosphere of Earth where unascended mankind dwell. The offering of yourselves to this impersonal service is the greatest gift of the Holy Season, the greatest gift you can give to life. If you wish to give such a gift at this time, you can make it in the Name and to the Honor of our Beloved Jesus, Holy Mary or Beloved Saint Germain (formerly Saint Joseph) reminding the outer consciousness often through the course of the day, that this allowing of the goodness of Heaven to flow through you to bless life, is your gift to the evolutions belonging to the Earth. 


The greatest artists, musicians, sculptors, poets and authors never measure the release of their gifts by the personal gain to the self. In fact, they usually go to the opposite extreme and insist upon pursuing the development of their talents without the slightest consideration as to what they, personally, will receive in return for the manifestation thereof. Usually, it is the case that centuries after the masterpieces have been completed, others less talented and more calculating individuals reap the monetary reward of the original artists' service. When an individual is a true devotee of the Arts (or any other constructive endeavor) he is usually so one-pointed in developing and externalizing his gifts that he gives little or no thought to the personal prestige, monetary recompense, etc. which might result from the completion of his endeavor. 

It should be so, particularly with spiritually-minded individuals who have taken embodiment to be an example of and radiate the Virtues of God to mankind. Remember always the LAW OF BALANCE! What every man sows, he surely reaps! Life, magnetized by any intelligence, must follow the Law of the Circle, because of the very nature of its being! It must ultimately return to the intelligence who has sent it forth, with an impersonal blessing and benefaction always, too, with accumulated energy! 


Following the words of our Beloved Venetian, I shall attempt to answer the question in the minds of some individuals as to why so many great artists, poets, philosophers, scientists and inventors live out their years in poverty and amass so little of this world's goods. It is because they are so one-pointed in their endeavors to create something of beauty that they do not allow their attention (their life!) to rest upon the amassing of wealth in this world of form. 

However, nothing of a constructive nature is ever lost and while they live (and ofttimes die) in poverty (according to the world's standard of success), they have laid up for themselves stores of riches in their own Causal Bodies. Sooner or later, such individuals will receive the benefaction of their dedicated energies. You see, all that life becomes the wealth of experience in the Causal Body which will make them more efficient servants of their God in a future day. The lesser developed lifestreams may seemingly profit by the exchange of these masterpieces, but the one who originally drew them forth has the cause and core of creative ability in his or her own Causal Body, for use when and where required in any Sphere in which he may be fitted to dwell. 

Of course, this is particularly true of chelas on the Spiritual Path. Others may plagiarize and temporarily profit from the wisdom which has been drawn forth by the original researcher, but, in reality, the original magnetizer of Truth who has drawn forth Virtue and Grace, has truly laid up treasures in Heaven, which are his to use again and again. In other words, those who profit by another's gift have just the shell, but the original creator of beauty has the spirit of the gift, which spirit is eternal! 

This accounts for the fact that so often a religious, metaphysical or occult teaching loses its life (spirit) when the originator of such teaching finishes his Earth-span. 


I can honestly say that, watching as we do from the Ascended Master's Octave, that the Law of the Circle is inexorable! Beloved Jesus' statement that "as a man soweth, so shall he also reap" is an eternal verity! 

From the standpoint of the quicker expansion of our activities to free the Earth, it seems a pity that there are not yet more embodied among mankind more illumined and intuitive lifestreams who recognize the "gifts" and capacities of those who have consecrated their lives to us, those who understand the necessity for assisting and sustaining the "gifted" and consecrated ones to our service both by the offering of their energies and substance to help such servers. Such "gifted" ones could be greatly protected from much unnecessary limitation and distress while these (who are our representatives in the world of form) serve selflessly to enrich the heritage of the human race. 

You will notice that, almost without exception, the cognizance of the research of such dedicated souls (scientific, spiritual or otherwise) is nearly always realized by the beneficiaries of those blessings long after the consecrated souls so serving have passed from the Earth-plane. In the very near future, however, the worth of such individual lifestreams will be cognized while they can yet have the assistance of less-developed but interested lifestreams. These will make it possible for them to pursue their research, giving their talents freely to mankind; not distracted by the need of producing what they require for sustenance upon the Earth. This was always done previously in every Golden Age upon the Earth, and it shall come again in Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain's Golden Age which is finding root in the hearts of the more awakened among humanity. 

So often, because of past karmic ties, impersonal and dedicated lifestreams are surrounded by family and friends who require (and rightly so) a certain measure of protection, sustenance and assistance. This condition distracts the consecrated soul from his one-pointed endeavor to magnetize and develop some blessing for the race. Thus the consecrated one has the double responsibility of paying off karmic debts all the while he is endeavoring to perform his service for the benefaction of the race. When other less developed chelas understand this, they will joyously assist the researcher to transmute his karmic burden, allowing him or her fuller freedom to concentrate upon the God-manifestation which he desires (prompted by his or her own Holy Christ Self) to develop and externalize. When this time comes, the people of Earth will be much more quickly illumined much richer in every way and the entire evolution of the Earth and all upon Her will be greatly accelerated. 

This pattern was the original intent of the founders of the "caste system" in India but, unfortunately, like many good ideas, it has been greatly distorted and has caused even more limitations to the various "castes"; rather than bringing greater freedom to the Light-bearers of the world. 


I can speak on the subject "It is more blessed to give than to receive" with tremendous positive assurance because I, myself, experienced the joy of giving to bless the race that which the Father and Divine Beings had loaned to me for just that purpose. Also, I had the great good fortune to have a Mother and a Father who did not selfishly "pull" upon my vital energies which had been dedicated to my Mission, but rather gave of their energies to me so that that mission might be successfully accomplished. Besides, I had no unpaid personal karma, any and all such karma having been completely transmuted by me in previous embodiments. 

When I returned "Home" at the completion of my ministry, I was amazed at the expansion of the size of my Causal Body, because of the freewill service of having given ALL of my life to the alleviating of the distresses of the people of Earth. Because of this, since my Causal Body was so enlarged in size and increased in Grace, it has been possible for me, through all these succeeding centuries, to again and again give of that momentum to any and all of my followers who truly desired to emulate my example. Now this, in turn, is also steadily increasing the size and efficacy of that Causal Body, for the expanding light of one's chelas also adds to the gathered momentum of the good of his Teacher. This has been the experience of Lord Gautama and all other beings who used their earnest disciples as channels for their gifts. 

Remember! Nothing is static anywhere in this Universe and the Law is that: "To him that hath shall be given; but to him who hath not (the desire to give of his God-given talents) shall be taken away even that which he hath!" 


Let no sincere chela allow himself to fall into the "Slough of Despond" because he or she cannot quickly and wholly fulfill the individual service which his or her Holy Christ Self prompts him to externalize. Remember always! We cognize the motive of the chela as well as his (or her) as yet unpaid karmic debts! We also see the possible loving, practical cooperation by certain other lifestreams (who are so very precious and who could easily give it); but, because of the absorption of their life by allowing their attention to be so firmly fixed upon the daily living routines and personal affairs, these are a bit thoughtless (perhaps?) concerning the actual physical needs of the researcher, whom they really love! So many really seem to care or think little about just how those practical needs are supplied. Such practical assistance, lovingly and freely given, would do so much to hasten the expansion of our help to mankind thus allowing the researcher more time and energy for his or her service to us! 

This assistance may be given emotionally, mentally and etherically by daily holding the Immaculate Concept for this one and, practically, by assisting in the increase of supply. 

Remember also that there is a way to clear the channel for the release of the full-gathered momentums of good from each one's own Causal Body (which includes abundant supply of every good thing) so that those gifts, talents and virtues can be more readily externalized. This is through the use of the Ascended Masters' Law of Forgiveness and the purifying of the individual chela's world through the merciful use of the Violet Fire, thus removing the cause and core of the appearance of lack which he seems to experience. Then the sins of omission upon the part of others who have been given opportunity but hold back the helping hand, will lie at the door of such others and not at the door of the chela seeking Divine expression for the impersonal benefaction of the race. 

Depending upon other unascended lifestreams for your sustenance will only result in disillusionment, bitterness and frustration. Looking for the support you require to the God who made you; will bring you harvest beyond your fondest dreams. By daily, consistent and rhythmic application (conscious calls to the "I AM" Presence and Ascended and Angelic Hosts) for the help you require, allow your own God-presence and his Messengers to raise up those individuals who will joyously assist you, providing whatever is needed here, whether it be energy released in loving service or financial support. It is not your province to choose such individuals so to do or to personally designate through what channels the supply is to come to you. Just know that, if your heart is sincere, your motive pure, your service truly that of setting all imprisoned life free, we shall find some channels through whom we can give you the help you require. Service for the sake of serving is most important. God's service is always rewarded if not by thoughtless mankind, then by the very Angels themselves! 

At this season of the year, we are celebrating the birth of the Beloved Jesus. By example, he taught us all to look only to the Father within for all his needs. I now counsel you so to do. Should there be those who are prompted from their hearts to assist you, be assured that we are most grateful for their help and, sometimes, we have even prompted them so to do. However, if there are those who disregard the promptings of their hearts and refuse to give such assistance, let the consecrated chela who desires to serve us and all life evolving here, CONTINUE to serve as best he can. Let him PERSEVERE! and more and more quickly will there be gathered around them those lifestreams who are glad and willing to help. Thus, at the time of Beloved Jesus' Ministry, Holy Mary and myself were so grateful for opportunity to help him and, since then we have been so grateful for the knowledge that our humble endeavors were a good part of that which contributed to the success of his service to life. 

Ponder much upon the Life of Jesus this Holy Season! Think how he exemplified the Spirit of Giving of himself AT ALL TIMES. Then, in honest introspection, measure your gift of constructively qualified life to bless the race against his. Ponder upon the Life of Holy Mary and see how such a consecrated one, gifted beyond your own personal development, can more greatly bless life. Then let your God life flow forth in those virtues, talents, powers and substance which your God has loaned to you and for which you must render an accounting one day. 

I do decree that those chosen to be the way-showers of the race shall not be guilty of the sins of "omission" in this crucial hour and that those who have been sent to form a Bridge from the Divine Realm into the human octave shall be sustained by the "I Am" Presence, even if their contemporaries neither cognize nor sustain their gifts.



(NOTE: From time to time we have been asked: "Why do not the Ascended Masters supply those who serve them, as well as precipitating the books and other media of releasing their instruction to the people?" Beloved Serapis Bey has answered this for us in this manner: The Great Cosmic Law does permit the Ascended Ones to give of their riches of consciousness, their feelings of conscious attainment through the use of the Laws they are now teaching us. By the radiation of that consciousness to any and all who will accept it, they are able to give mankind transcendent assistance unto their eternal victory of the Ascension, which assistance the people could not get in any other way or from any other Source! However, the Great Law does not permit the Great Ones to precipitate money or material into this world for the expansion of their Light, for such assistance to the work must come from the chelas so benefitted by their instruction. This makes the balance on the part of the chela for the blessing received. Mankind are already far, far in arrears in giving a balance to life for all they have received of good all through the ages. Therefore, in giving of their substance to expand the Masters' words and works they are helping to balance their debt to life for ages of service as yet unpaid. Do you see?)







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