To the Holy Christ Self Expressed through Beloved Jesus

We humbly bow! Grateful are we, indeed, that the Master Jesus had the spiritual strength and endurance to manifest this Christ Self while he walked the ways of Earth. His great example is a living power and a motivating pressure of energy which continues to act through the souls of all belonging to Earth's evolutions, until every such a one also becomes a Christ-in-action. 

Beloved Jesus constantly pours his feeling of Mastery through the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousnesses of all mankind. When their attention is upon him, particularly at the Christmas Season, Jesus intensifies the radiation of his feeling of mastery through them and thus the Holy Christ Self in everyone is expanded. So, at each Christmas Season, there is more and more Christ light expanded through the Earth's atmosphere, from all in embodiment here. 

To dear Jesus, Holy Mary and all the Ascended Ones who assisted him to leave this Example of Divinity manifest, we send our love and the love of the mankind whom HE LIVES TO SERVE. 





The Homes and Retreats of The Masters of Wisdom


December 15th, 1957 through January 14th, 1958 

The glorious Teton Mountains in Wyoming form a natural cathedral for the Ascended Masters' Retreat there, which Retreat is dedicated and consecrated primarily to precipitating into the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousnesses of all unascended beings, those God virtues, talents, gifts, powers and radiations which will assist mankind to externalize the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. 

Most of our gentle readers have previously read the description of the glorious Royal Teton which rises from the plains of Wyoming like a giant finger pointing toward the Heavens. For those who are not so familiar with the Royal Teton, we refer you to previous issues of "The Bridge" as given in the footnote to this review. However, we are primarily interested, in this article, in stressing the activities of the Retreat and its primary purpose in being; its Hierarch; Beloved Lanto and the Brotherhood of Precipitation who serve here, all of whom live but to teach the aspirant the joy which is within the use of conscious precipitation of good, through the expansion of the Holy Christ Flame within the heart. 

Purpose of Ascended Masters' Retreats

An Ascended Master Retreat is established and maintained upon the Earth for the purpose of forming a radiating center of the feeling of a particular God-virtue which the people of Earth require in their search for God-mastery and its attendant peace of mind, soul and body. As the First Root Race came forth upon this Planet in the vicinity of the Royal Teton, the activity of precipitation of individualized Light Rays began here and, from the Royal Teton, the first inhabitants of the Earth went forth to people the Planet, attended by their Angelic Guardians. As precipitation actually means "going forth", this Retreat has always been and still remains a focus from whence "go forth" to bless the race the Divine Ideas from the Spiritual Hierarchy, the trained Brotherhood and the earnest chelas. 

An Ascended Master Retreat is sustained by its selfless ones who choose to anchor some God virtue into the lower atmosphere of Earth and provide the ways and means by which those unascended lifestreams who are interested in forwarding the speedier progress of the evolution of the Earth and its people may have access to that Virtue; as well as to the training required to consciously generate and radiate that Virtue through the expansion of the Holy Christ Flame which beats each one's own heart. 

Thus the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton is constantly expressing the precipitation of good whether that good is health, spiritual vitality, emotional stability, mental alertness or physical blessing and they have sustained to this day the Focus of Precipitation there. Now, all life is invited to come to them and learn the science of manifesting this God gift. 

The present Ascended Master Hierarch of the Royal Teton is known as Beloved Lanto. Ages ago, he came to America from China to voluntarily assume this Office and has remained to the present day, assisting in the magnetizing, sustaining and expanding of this Precipitating Ray, with its attendant feeling that such precipitation is a natural power of all self-conscious intelligences (unascended as well as Ascended) . 

Absorption through Proximity

Every thinking individual knows that proximity to a feeling (whether good or evil) affects the consciousness of all unascended life. Thus, proximity to the feelings of the Ascended Masters is really a spiritual "transfusion" of their feeling of confidence in the unfailing use of the natural talents and gifts which are now (and always have been) right within the Holy Christ Flame in each heart. That is why it is often suggested so earnestly by the great ones who are the Teachers of the Race that those unascended lifestreams who wish to so co-operate with them in such service, cultivate closer and closer proximity to the Ascended Host. This closer proximity does not mean that anyone should expect the Ascended Ones to do things for them, but that, by the power of radiation, the unascended one may be stimulated to use his own God given powers to be able to do things for himself. Then, through such lifestreams will flow that which will raise the evolutions of the Planet and bring greater harmony, balance and sustained peace to the Earth and all upon her. 

The Beloved Jesus made this very clear when he said: "If I do not go (ascend) , the Comforter will not come!" He realized that even his dearest disciples and followers were merely allowing the tendencies of human nature to act as they leaned upon his powers, rather than developing their own Christ nature. In a far later age, Beloved Kuthumi also admonished a student about this same Law when he wrote: "If you wish to heal, do so but remember that your capacity to heal will depend upon your own faith in yourself (the Christ within you) more than upon my capacity to heal acting through you". Any honest teacher (unascended) or any Divine Teacher (Cosmic, Ascended or Angelic) will strengthen, not weaken, his pupil's individual capacity to develop the talents of his own indwelling Christ, rather than weakening the pupil by causing such an one to "lean" upon the Teacher. 

Thus the Beloved Lanto and the Brotherhood at the Royal Teton are concerned with the development of the Power of Precipitation through their pupils. To this end, they will give encouragement, scientific teaching, radiation and sustaining power to each such one who desires to learn again how to precipitate God's Kingdom on Earth; but they will not do for such an one what he or she can and must one day do for himself! 

Precipitating Flame Lives Within Each Heart!

Beloved Lanto stresses the feeling of reverence for Life itself which life (for every individual) is a constantly flowing stream of precipitated electronic particles from the heart of God. This forms the actual Immortal, Victorious, Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth within the heart of each individual and this Three-fold Flame is the Chalice within which lives the focus of the Holy Christ Self for every man. In his own case, Beloved Lanto loved and worshipped that Three-fold Flame of Life within him so well and nourished it so constantly by that attentive love, that it expanded in power until it became actually visible to the physical sight of all who looked upon him, right through the physical garments which he wore (even while still unascended)! The Teachers at the Royal Teton encourage the cognizance of this ever-present precipitated God-flame in the hearts of all their pupils and the development of this God-flame so that it can and does continue this natural activity and so precipitates a portion of the Divine Plan in whatever Sphere the individual is serving. 

In himself, man is a precipitated being and the natural activity of his life is to allow this Christ Flame to continue to precipitate through him the particular Virtue which is the reason for his being. Through the loss of the remembrance of this Eternal Verity, man (for the most part) has become subject to the fear of human limitation of every description and seeks here and there for some other intelligence to precipitate for him the gifts, spiritual vitality, peace of mind and health of body; as well as the actual requirements of supply for the sustenance of his body and world while here on Earth. Such precipitation for him by another simply weakens the urge within his soul to make self-conscious endeavor to so USE AND THUS EXPAND THE PRESENCE OF THE CHRIST WHICH IS WITHIN HIMSELF! 

It is important for every chela to have the true understanding that the Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters and Angelic Host will always nourish the desire for the individual to develop this Christ power by their radiation, but will not do for the pupil what he must do for himself to grow in mastery. This will help all to overcome disappointment when the Guru seems to "withdraw" as Jesus did at the time of his Ascension. The activity of the Cosmic Law is to allow the chela proximity to the Divine Ones, nourish his vehicles by allowing him to absorb the feelings of the Ascended Beings and then allow such a chela, through his own endeavors and initiative to utilize the additional energy, power and gifts which have been given him by his Ascended Master Friends, for the blessing of the evolutions to which he belongs, or to which he has offered service. 

Use of Gift Determines Increase

The expansion of the chela's light determines how soon and how much greater investment of the Ascended Masters' energy will be allowed on the next wave of spiritual nourishment which is sent to him. If the chela absorbs but does nothing with that gift does not give of the blessings from "on High", he must wait for more until he learns that what he has done with the gifts he has received is the measure of his next gift from the Divine Ones. 

Thus the invitation to the Ascended Masters' Retreats allows the chela tremendous opportunity to receive of their Wisdom and feeling of mastery. The expansion of those gifts by their externalization in this physical appearance world for the good of his fellowman determines just how much the chela can and will receive at his next visitation into the Ascended Masters' Foci and Presence. 

While the Temple of Precipitation is open for expanded service twice each year (June and July as well as December and January) , the chelas are given full access there to the natural powers of precipitation which live within the Holy Christ Flame within their hearts. It is a stimulus to the development of that precipitating power. The chelas there see Divine Beings magnetizing from the Sun of the System additional powers, ideas, patterns, gifts and virtues and they watch these Divine Ones externalizing these powers for the benefaction of the race. Some are so enamored of the process of precipitation by the Divine Beings, that they do not fully cognize the Eternal Truth that the very same powers are inherent in their own heartbeat. 

The patience of the Cosmic Law is such that, through free-will, these chelas are allowed to witness the activity of Divine precipitation again and again, until the outer consciousness realizes the possibility of becoming such a precipitating presence itself. Then do the Brothers and Sisters of the Temple of Precipitation rejoice indeed for, at last, the chela is on the true Path of Self-development of his or her own power of precipitation. The Ascended Ones who have so selflessly chosen to remain in service in these Retreats in order that they may assist the people of Earth are the WAYSHOWERS AND TEACHERS of those who truly desire (with pure motive) to externalize the Christ Presence within themselves. The Ascended Masters' Retreats are the Foci where tremendous feeling of mastery is generated and radiated forth. Please be alert in your visitation (of course, in consciousness) to these Retreats that this privilege is for the primary purpose of development and expansion within you of your own Holy Christ Self so that you, too, may do the works performed so easily by your Ascended Master Hosts. When you are so alert, you can best benefit by your visits. 

Lowering of Yearly Thought-form

The great Thought-form which is lowered into the bosom of the Silent Watcher of the Earth by Helios and Vesta is then magnetized by the Lord of the World (now our Beloved Gautama) December 31st of each year. After receiving this Divine Idea, his first activity is to precipitate the form into visibility for all, through the use of his own thought and feeling centers so that it immediately becomes clearly visible to the entire Assembly. The gathered Assembly then at once re-creates this original Thought-form and precipitates it into the atmosphere of Earth. Unascended chelas (present in their inner bodies, usually while their physical body sleeps) witnessing this activity, are invited to precipitate the "theme" (meaning) of this Thoughtform into their own sphere of influence, right here in the physical appearance world during the coming year, using whatever gifts, powers, activities and substance which are at their command. 

The Thought-form itself is merely a symbol to the entire Assembly, Ascended and unascended, of those God-virtues which are seen by the God-parents of the System to be most required upon the Earth in the coming twelve months. Each one uses this symbol as a Divine Directive of the energies at his command. You are invited to return again and again during this thirty-day period to the Royal Teton and see how the Ascended Beings and Angelic Host are interpreting this Thoughtform. Then you, too, can make it a guidepost for your individual and collective endeavors during the next year. 

The power of conscious, instantaneous precipitation direct from the Universal is one of the most sought after gifts by unascended beings. Its conscious use will alleviate so many of the distresses to which the people of Earth are presently subject. Therefore, without strain or tension, ask Beloved Lanto and his Brotherhood to help you to learn to use this gift which is alive right within your own heart for the blessing of the race. It is the power to use the gift, rather than the gift itself which is mastery. The feeling of confidence which has grown within those who have learned the use of this Power of Precipitation is offered to you now. Accept it! Use it! TRY! Rejoice that you now know of its Presence within you and remember, always, that as the use of the Power of Precipitation is restored to you earnestly pray that you will always use it only for the benefaction of the race. Then rejoice, too, as others reap where you have sown. 

You now know of the Power of Precipitation, which, as we said above, is one of the natural God powers of your very life. Others may have and enjoy the gifts which result from your successful use of that Power within you. Thus the Divine Ones serve and thus do all sincere chelas serve also. 

Yearly Presentation of Future Plans

On December 15th of each year, from every Ascended Master Retreat there comes to the Royal Teton a Representative with ideas which, if accepted, will hasten the redemption of our dear Earth and its evolution. Many unascended chelas also come with many constructive ideas and plans. All are welcomed and the petitions, ideas and plans are carefully perused by the Angel of the Scrolls and offered at the proper time to the Karmic Board for acceptance. According to the use made of the ideas which have been accepted and confirmed by the Karmic Board during the last twelve months, do they allow greater and greater freedom to those bringing new ideas for the next year. If your ideas and plans have not yet been fully externalized, please do not be self-condemnatory nor discouraged. Remember, in such a case, you would just require more training to learn how to precipitate these ideas into practical form and use. That is the reason for the sustenance of the Rocky Mountain Retreat. The patience of its Brotherhood is endless! Only the sincere desire to fulfill one's destiny, sustained in the heart of a chela, is required to secure their help, counsel and instruction. 

Welcome to the Half-yearly Council at the Rocky Mountain Retreat! Welcome into the FEELING OF PRECIPITATION which is its heart-core! Accept that feeling into yourselves and go forth renewed in confidence that the Holy Christ Self within your hearts is a natural Precipitating Presence, when allowed by the outer self to act through you. I shall meet you there… as you bring in your "sheaves" of already accomplished precipitation (constructive accomplishments of the past year) and your "ideas" for future accomplishment. 

Yours in Love, in mutual service and in confidence



(Note: For previous descriptions of the Rocky Mountain Retreat please see "The Bridge to Freedom," Vol. I: Nos. 3 and 8; Vol. 2: Nos. 3 and 9; Vol. 3: Nos. 3 and 9; Vol. 4: Nos. 3 and 9; Vol. 5: Nos. 3 and 9; and Vol. 6: No. 3.






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