Excerpts from an Address by


On: Ministering Angels

September 27, 1957

I am Uriel, Archangel of Ministration and I have come to you today in response to the heart-calls of certain lifestreams in embodiment here who are so sincerely interested in bringing about the eternal freedom of the Planet upon which they presently abide! 

It is our reason for being and service to life to minister unto any part of creation which requires assistance, especially now in the re-establishing of the natural harmony and higher vibratory action of the Earth itself, as well as of the vehicles of expression used by Earth's evolutions at this time. This will culminate in the fulfilling of the Divine Plan of perfection eventually manifesting through individual lifestreams, Elemental life evolving here and through the Inner Spheres of the very Planet itself. 

Beloved ones, I might say that the activity of Ministration to which we so lovingly dedicate our lives, represents a great deal more than the average individual thinks when they either refer to or contemplate upon a Ministering Angel. 

In the first place, within the Ministering Angel there is the WILL to serve until the entire world of the lifestream to which that Angel has dedicated himself, is in complete harmony. Now, there are those Ministering Angels who deal with just one lifestream at a time and even that is quite an expenditure of time and energy, quite enough when one considers that the lifestream needing such assistance has built the causes of his distress (the transmuting of which now needs the Angel's help) for millions of years in the pursuit of what he calls "happiness"! 

You see, to be allowed to render this service, that Ministering Angel must personally desire to do so. That Angel is a Being of free-will and so must offer to serve. Every individual present here today and every member of the human race still unascended (this, of course, including every "laggard" who came here from other Systems and every Guardian Spirit who came to give the Earth assistance) has such a particular Ministering Angel who has volunteered to serve him from the beginning of his evolution here, staying with him until his journey is completed. Before Helios and Vesta, a long time ago, that Ministering Angel took a vow to serve a particular lifestream until it had achieved its Ascension restored to its Divine Perfection at the close of all earthly embodiments. 

Angel Develops Discrimination

Next, that Ministering Angel has to develop WISDOM in dealing with you because, first of all, it had to get acquainted with you and your world. Since you, too, are a being of free-will, that Angel did not know ahead of time just what momentums you were going to develop which would give him opportunity to expand his light. As you were developing your tendencies, he had no way of knowing just how you would react to Ministration, for there are many individuals whose natures tend to repel Ministration, if and when they are cognizant of the fact that it is being given. 

So, the discriminating faculties of the Ministering Angel develop through association with a lifestream. In some cases, that Angel learned that it would be best to minister to the individual, even to the distresses thereof, (emotional, mental, etheric and physical) while the person slept so that the conscious mind would not feel the Angel's current of healing energy! 

On the other hand, where there was some co-operation between the lifestream and the Ministering Angel, the assistance could be given all during the day, as it was with the Beloved Mary, Mother of Jesus; as it was with Beloved Jesus himself; as it was with your blessed Saint Germain (particularly in his embodiment as Saint Joseph) and many more of those who not only consciously cognized and reverenced the Angelic Host, but consciously welcomed their service as well. 

Then the Ministering Angel had to expand his feeling of Divine LOVE for the Immortal Threefold Flame of God which held the Divine Pattern of Perfection within the heart of the lifestream he had offered to serve. He had to develop a tremendous momentum of that love which, all through the ages, has given and still gives him the infinite patience to continue to serve a personality which is so often resentful and rebellious against what that one considers an interference with his use of free-will even resenting the help of the Angel who can see far ahead and see what distresses will be the lot of the individual should he be allowed to follow his own course of destructive tendencies. So, these Ministering Angels of my Legions have developed tremendous momentums of God-patience while dealing with unascended mankind. 

Even in the outer world experience, you know what a feeling of rejection or repellant force will do to your own sense of joy in service. So, in a beautiful schoolroom at Inner Levels, these Ministering Angels are taught how to draw and hold these feelings of Divine compassion, patience and understanding. Here they learn that the outer selves of those they try to serve might react to their help in many, many ways. However, they are also taught that their responsibility is to be able to hold steady our beautiful Flame of Peace (the gift and activity of the Sixth Ray) and wherever and whenever possible, to pass that Flame through the energies of the lifestream they are assisting, compelling God's peace there to manifest. 

Angels Hold "Immaculate Concept"

Now, too, the Ministering Angels have to remember the activity of the Fourth Ray sustaining within themselves a consciousness of the PURITY of the "Immaculate Concept" for the individual they are serving and not be caught up in a desire to change the subject of their devoted service by ministering to another. You see, sometimes, when a joyous and wholly-free Angel from our Realm sees some very fine soul stand before the Lords of Karma, offering to become a Guardian Spirit to those evolving here, it is very easy for that Angel then to say: "I will gladly go with that one and minister to him. I will stay with him until the end of his journey, for he has a magnificent Causal Body (the gathered momentums of one's accumulated good up to that time) and he has much opportunity for great service". Then, of course, always eager to have this assistance for a lifestream, the Great Law accepts the offer of the Angel. 

But, after several millions of years of such service to that lifestream, the Ministering Angel still must be able to sustain his original enthusiasm for service to that one with the beautiful Causal Body, holding the "Immaculate Concept" for his "ward" hoping for the eventual manifestation of that perfection through a physical form, as well as the other three lower bodies which, too, have disintegrated a little from the magnificence of the light body in which the Angel had first seen that one at Inner Levels. Here, the activities of RE-CONSECRATION by the Beloved Raphael plays such an important part in sustaining the constancy of that Angel, keeping his feelings enthusiastic, his energies buoyant and eager to serve. The only time these Ministering Angels have some temporary release from the lifestream they are serving is during the time when that one might be in the "Sleepers' Realm" for some time between embodiments. Then, they may have a substitute to guard and minister to the etheric body for them. while the soul-self sleeps. 

This will give you some idea of the tremendous task of these Ministering Angels because, as soon as the soul is conscious again (after his "rest" in the "Sleepers' Realm") and his thinking and feeling worlds are active, thus creating karma, it is the responsibility of the Ministering Angel to be on hand to give that soul assistance, trying constantly to hold as much peace as possible for him. These Ministering Angels also need CONCENTRATION. Do you think it is easy to work almost continuously with one life-stream for literally millions of years? Think on this! It is a case of voluntary imprisonment through love, which has little parallel. 

You see, while the physical body is asleep, the consciousness of the individual is still functioning somewhere! If that consciousness is earth-bound and (in the past while discarnates were still allowed in Earth's atmosphere) prowling around in old castles or places of former abode in which the lifestream had been previously interested, if the consciousness is having certain experiences in the psychic realm (discordant activities) that consciousness is creating destructive karma. So, the Ministering Angel is obligated by Law to accompany such a soul and, at every opportunity, this Angel projects a Light Ray into the consciousness of the one he is assisting, with the hope that perhaps it will help him to look higher and desire more light. 

Natural Conductors of Peace and Healing

These Ministering Angels are natural conductors of both PEACE and HEALING but it is sometimes difficult to get mankind quiet enough in their thoughts and feelings to receive these gifts. Even when the physical body sleeps at night, the aura about it is still swinging around; the soul is darting here and there in various directions, always in search of some sort of happiness. It is part of the service of this Ministering Angel of the Sixth Ray to quiet the feelings, mind, memory and flesh body and bring them PEACE. 

Finally, the Ministering Angels are very powerfully developed along the Ray of INVOCATION. Of course, they have constant access to all the Virtues of the Godhead and, because they have the God-gift of Inner Sight, they know just what is required by the lifestream whom they have offered to serve. Therefore, from time to time, as the Cosmic Law permits (according to the Karmic obligations of the soul concerned) these Angels do invoke the help of the Ascended Beings and powers of Light to draw the particular assistance which that lifestream requires at the moment. 

Beloved ones, there are many blessings available to mankind which they could have and enjoy if they only knew of and would call for them; as well as Ascended Master and Angelic Friends who could release those blessings into man's experience. I know, because in the activities of Ministration, we work with the Silent Watchers over every City, State and Nation, as well as with the Silent Watcher of the Planet itself. 

As you can easily see, the Ministering Angels are always endeavoring to draw your consciousness to something which is constructive and hold it there. That is part of their power of Concentration, as well as their desire to bring you peace. This ministration is our great joy to give to the Earth. 

Now, as we previously said these Angels of which we have spoken have offered to serve just one lifestream. In my capacity as Archangel of Ministration, I have offered to serve the entire Planet Earth and all the lifestreams who would ever take embodiment upon her, all Elemental life and every living thing; until the substance of Earth itself and the Forces of Nature should be restored to Divine Harmony and Eternal Perfection. So, what I have said about individual Ministering Angels you can multiply by ten billion and then know something of the service to this Planet and her evolutions which has been offered and given by Beloved Donna Grace and myself.


(Concluded in January, 1958 issue) 


(NOTE: Our gentle reader may ask why, if these Ministering Angels are ever with us and have the capacity to prevent human distress, why are mankind in their present states of need and despair? Again may we remind you of mankind's ability to use his God-given gift of freewill destructively often deliberately defying the wise promptings of what he calls his "conscience" which are often the feelings of warning from these Ministering Angels themselves. These Angels are also sometimes called "Guardian Angels." Have all of us not felt a strong prompting not to do a certain thing but, because the desire to do it or to have something was so strong within us that we willfully disregarded the prompting and "kicked against the pricks" (to speak), only to regret our disobedience later when it was required of us to handle the agonizing consequence of our human stubbornness and arrogance. How often have we said: "Why did I not listen? I had a feeling not to do that, etc. etc.!" 

Now that we have been given this wonderful instruction about our Ministering Angel, let us daily acknowledge this personal Friend of the Ages and endeavor to lovingly cooperate with him to make our way easy, plain, successful and perfect at all times! 

Were it not for these transcendent Beings of Light and Love who have given themselves to mankind here, most lifestreams would have completely destroyed themselves long ere this! God bless the Ministering Angels, every blessed one of them and God bless our Beloved Uriel and Donna Grace for their sustaining power of Love and Grace for all life!)






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